Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2008 — Page 29 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Clyde W. Nāmu'o Administratar Crystal Kua Cammunicatians Directcr Lisa Asatū Public lnfcrmaticn Specialist ī. Ilihia Giansan Publicatians Editar Jnhn Matsuzaki Publicatians Specialist/Art Directar Nelsnn Gaspar Prcducticn Specialist/Graphic Designer Liza Simnn Public Affairs Specialist Blaine Fergerstrnm Media Praductian Specialist/Webmaster Francine Murray Braadcast/Media Caardinatar Gharles ūgata Valunteer HŪNŪLULU 711 Kapi'alani Blvd„ Ste. 5DD Hanalulu, Hl BBBI3 Phane: BDB.5B4.IBBB Fax: BDB.5B4.IBB5 EAST HAWAI'I (HILŪ) IB2-A Baker Avenue Hila, Hl BB72D Phene: BDB.B2D.B4IB Fax: BDB.B2D.B42I WEST HAWAI'I (KŪNA) 75-57ŪE Hanama Pl„ Ste. ID7 Kailua-Kana, Hl BB74D Phane: BDB. 327.3525 Fax: SDS.327.g52S M ŪLŪKA'I Kūlana 'ūiwi P.ū. Bax 1717 Kaunakakai, Hl BB748 Phane: BDB.5BD.3BII Fax: BDB.5BD.3BBB LĀNA'I P.ū. Bax E3I4I3 Lana'i City, Hl BB7B3 Phane: BDB.5B5.7B3D Fax: BDB.5B5.7B3I KAUA'I / NI'IHAU 3-3IŪŪ Kūhih Hwy„ Ste. C4 Lihu'e, Hl BB7BB-II53 Phane: BDB.24I.33BD Fax: BDB.24I.35DB MAUI I4D Ha'ahana St„ Ste. 2DB Kahului, Hl 8B732 Phane: BDB.B73.33B4 Fax: BDB.B73.33BI WASHINGTON, D.G. 5D F St. NW, Suite 33DD Washingtan, D.C. 2DDDI Phane: 2D2.454.DB2D Fax: 2D2.7BB.I75B EMAIL: kwa@OHA.arg WEBSITES: www.OHA.crg www.NativeHawaiians.ccm

E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola ean help you get the word out. We will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. All listings will be available online at www.oha.org/kawaiola. Listings should not exceed 200 words, and Ka Wai Ola reserves the right to edit all submissions for length and style. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@oha.org. E o/a nā mamo a Hāloa!

Nowemapa • November 2008 Kaaa - The Kaaa 'Ohana Reunion will be held Nov. 22 at 10 a.m. at the Wai'anae Army Recreation Center at Pōka'ī Bay. (Harvey House, 85-010 Army St., Wai'anae) This will he a potluck. Please R.S.V.P. to Keola & Valerie Bandmann at 801-358-8541 or Jeanne Kahanaoi at 808-696-2314. Send familyphotos or new informahon to Jeanne Kahanaoi at 86-290 Hōkūkea Plaee, Wai'anae, HI 96792. Ke'anae-Wailuanui - The lineal descendants of families from the Ahupua'a of Ke'anaeWailuanui, as well as current residents and tenants (also known as Nā Moku Aupuni o Ko'olau Hui) will hold a general membership meeting at YMCA Camp Ke'anae on Saturday, Nov. 15, 2008, at 11 a.m. The meeting agenda includes a briefing on water issues as well as eleehon of the board of directors. For more informahon, please contact your resident 'ohana or Solomon Ka'auamo, president, at manao@namoku.org. Makuakāne - The descendants of Paul and Lucy Makuakāne of Hōlualoa, Kona, Hawai'i, will be holding a reunion Nov. 26-29 at Honu'apo, Ka'ū. For more informahon, eall Lūcy Makūakāne at 808-938-8626. Kau • Summer 2009 Brown - In preparation for the 2009 reunion of the John and Benjamin Brown 'Ohana of Hilo, Hawai'i, Ihe 'ohana is asking for all family members to update their contact information, births, deaths or marriages and/ or share contact information about other family members. The family will be holding its reunion in Hilo, Hawai'i, from July 3-5, 2009. The 'ohana includes Ihe descendants of William Christopher Brown, Enoeh Brown, VioletNathaniel, Mealoha Anakalea, Benjamin "Tuna" Brown, Keala Kuamo'o, Valentine Brown, Manoa Brown, Maria Hendershot, John Thomas Brown, Irene I'i Brown, Emmaline Brown Lyman, James Harbottle Brown, Hany Kaina Brown, Frances Mililani Ludloff and Helen Kanoelehua Brown Kawai. Preliminary information regarding Ihe reunion will be sent out by ihe middle of September 2008. All interested parties are invited to attend monthly planning meetings in Pearl City. Please eall Ku'uipo McFadden Shimizu at 864-1 185 or email brownohana2009@yahoo.com. Kanakaole/Aipoalani/Poikauahi - The descendants of John Keali'i Kanakaole Aipoalani will hold a reunion May 22-24, 2009, in Kekaha, Kaua'i, at Ihe Kekaha Community Recreation Center. For more information, updates & how you ean help, please contact Mike Aipoalani 808-342-0308 (e); 808-668-1298 (h); kaimanal956@hawaiiantel.net (O'ahu) / Gwenette (Nakaahiki) Cardejon 808-337-9241 (h); 808-651-4749 (e); gwenethcardejon@yahoo.com (Kaua'i) / Joy Aipoalani 808-630-8453; jaipoalani@htbyb. eom (O'ahu). Kinimaka - Announcing Ihe planning of Ihe Kinimaka 'Ohana Reunion on Kaua'i to honor our forefather, Colonel David Leleo Kinimaka,

Ihe hānai brother of King David Kalākaua. Invitation is extended to Ihe descendants of Percival, Jack, James, Joseph, David, Rebecca and Hannah Kinimaka and their families. Persons no longer married to a Kinimaka or still cany Ihe Kinimaka name are weleome to join Ihe 'ohana event. The reunion is planned for summer 2009, however ihe venue site is not available at this writing. As soon as a venue has been determined, a follow-up announeement will be forthcoming. In the meantime, this notice is merely to advise members of the Kinimaka 'ohana that plans are in motion, and to allow those who are interested in joining our families on this special occasion, Ihe opportunity to begin planning and preparing. We expect a large turnout and suggest you mark your calendar for this event as soon as a venue and date is known. A second announeement will be made sometime in early 2009. We are hoping to reach out to as many family as possible and would appreciate your kōkua in assisting our efforts by spreading Ihe news to as many family members you are able to contact. The organizing committee contacts are Kaupena Kinimaka and Kaeo Kinimaka by e-mail, kaeo-67@hotmail.com. M an uwa/M an uwai/Manu ' a - The family of Hany "Keli'i" Manuwa/Manuwai/Manu'a and Hattie Pa'ele will be hosting a family reunion on Maui from April 23-26, 2009, @ Hale Nanea. Children of Harr}' & Hattie include Helen (Castillio), Henrietta (Fernandez), Lillian (Rabe/Edrozo), Edmund Manuwai, Emnia (Balcita), Mabel (Maynes), and Florence (Neves). The family would also like to invite Ihe extended 'ohana, whieh include descendants of Harry Manuwa's brothers. They include Gabriel Haiakalani/Heaukulani, Sam Manuwa, and Kealohainea. Parents of Ihe Manuwa brothers are Lokua a Manu'a & Hulimai. We would also like to invite Ihe extended 'ohana of Hattie Pa'ele of Kahakuloa, Maui. E kala mai, we do not have any genealogy information to list names of specific ancestors. We are trying to make contact with this side of Ihe family and graciously ask you folks to join us. Please join us for a fun-filled weekend surrounded by aloha and 'ohana. For more information, please email Manuwaohana@yahoo.com. Napoleon - The descendants of Pamahoa and Temanihi Napoleon are planning a family reunion July 10-12, 2009. The}' had 15 children, six of whom produced descendants: Emma Kauikeolani Napoleon MD AS Wilcox; Hattie Keliihelekaapuni Napoleon MD Joseph Kawainui (their granddaughter was Elizabeth Emma Pakuai); Uaia Napoleon MD Elizabeth Kaehukai Baker; Elizabeth Puuki Napoleon MD Ebenezer Parker Low; Jack Keliihoolamai Napoleon MD (1) Norah Kamaiopili, (2) Becky Timoteo; and, Titus Keliihooululauopuuana Napoleon MD Minnie Brown. Other 'ohana include Papalimu, Abraham, Baji, Ehu, Lydia Mahuna Napoleon, Claude & May Kakalia, Ruddle, and Ihe Wilcox family of Kona, O'ahu & Kaua'i. Contact Dianne Castro at 808-638-2248 or email dcastro@hawaii.rr.com. Pauole - My father is Albert Mahi Pauole, his

y '' ' Would you like us to eome to your family reunion to register them? | ' I * V Call808 594-1902 oremailHG@oha.org.