Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 11, 1 November 2008 — Reflections [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Rūbert K. Lindsey, Jr. TrustEE, Hawai'i

Time has passed quickly. I have been at OHA 17 months and it has for me been a joyful time. I don't know whether this is "aloha 'oe" or "ke au hou," the start of a new day at the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. What is for sure is the sun will rise in the moming and we will all be blessed with another day under Akua's Big Sky. Life will go on and we will all be renewed by someone or some greater force for a greater purpose, one purpose being "to better conditions for our Hawaiian people" (and for everyone who calls Hawai'i "Home"). My short tenure at OHA is a lei of many strands of good and enduring memories. Memories I will forever cherish. For me, this moment is one of Reflections. I will remember forever the waim weleome Kathy and I and our family received from our OHA 'ohana on April 16, 2007. 1 will remember last year's Hale O Nā Ali'i convention at the Hāpuna Prince. There was such a waim spirit, whieh blessed us all, from the members of the Royal Family to those of us who have kuleana for their care. I will remember the Institute for Astronomy's annual meeting at the Keauhou Beach Hotel. I lost my interest in science in llth grade but regained that interest at this summer institute. I will remember the sail in Hilo Bay last fall on a double-hulled wa'a as a guest of our Hui Mālama, our Hawai'i Island heahh system. I have experienced Hilo through the porthole of an aiiplane on a few occasions and by land countlcss times but never from the sea. I will remember the 2007 Labor Day Music Festival in Nā'ālehu. It was not just about music, good food and interesting exhibits. It was about a proud people celebrating their special plaee, sharing their genealogies, finding ways to keep Ka'ū, Ka'ū while carefutly advancing into the 21st century. But I will remember most the people who have helped me along the way at OHA. There have been many, but space allows me to mention just a few.

Kama Hopkins (my aide) and Tiona Wailehua (my secretary) who kept me on the "straight and narrow" and who kept my days organized and purposeful. I will remember Lukela Ruddle and Gladys Brigham, Ruby McDonald and Dawn Tanimoto, who so ably represent our OHA family on Hawai'i Island. They will always have a special plaee on my Memory Lane. I will remember too the folks who testified before the Sub-Committee on Civil Rights in Hilo in September 2007 on the Akaka Bill. Twenty-five people spoke against and three of us for. We were all respectful, tolerant and patient of eaeh other. I will always remember our Ceded Lands Settlement discussions in Hilo and Kona. I was proud of our people who eame forward and spoke with such passion and fervor on a topic that hopefully will find consensus in 2009. Yes, we might have lost a year in time but we will gain a better pieee of legislation to serve "our greater good." I will remember too the coming together of the leaders of OHA and DHHL at Kapolei in August 2008 to celebrate all that DHHL has been doing for housing for our homesteaders. Yes, the priority is to build homes, but it is more than providing shelter. The effort is about instilling pride, building communities anchored to our ancient values of kuleana, ho'okipa, aloha and 'ohana and helping us "regain our inner spirit." And I will remember Kahu Billy Mitchell, Kaeo Duarte, Cindi Punihaole, Aunty Genoa Keawe, Ikua Purdy, Marie McDonald, Pohai Patterson, Oakaokalani Ruddle-Miyamoto, Ryan Kanakaole, Kamana Beamer, Malia Kipapa, Imiola Lindsey, Ryan Oshiro, Trishann Bambico and Aurora Kagawa. They allowed me to invade their personal spaces so that I could share their special and unique life stories with you in my monthly columns. This is the thought I want to leave with you. We have a Nation to Build. We have "fences to mend" and "potholes to patch." We have as a people made progress inmany areas and on many fronts, but "We have miles to go before we sleep." Let's bring the best of our hearts, minds and spirits, our na'au collectively to confront the challenges before us. When we are able to do that, "we will conquer all." We will restore our Nation. E3