Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2008 — Falls of Clyde [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Falls of Clyde

Now that the Falls of Clyde has been saved from possible sinking, its new owners are asking the puhlie for its help in getting back the ship's many missing parts so that a full restoration ean be done. No questions will be asked upon return of any missing items, whieh include portholes, skylights and equipment. The parts, believed to have made their way worldwide, were either given away or taken as it was widely believed the four-masted 19th century ship would be intentionally sunk, said Chris Woolaway, a vice president with the Friends of Falls of Clyde, whieh received ownership of the National Historic Landmark for $1 from Bishop Museum on Sept. 30. The nonprofit group plans to assess the ship's condition in dry dock before the end of the year, and work on its preservation and long-term restoration, for whieh costs have not been detennined. To make a donation to the Friends of Falls of Clyde, visit friendsof fallsofclyde.org. For infonnation or questions on returning missing items, contact Keven Williamson at kwilliamson @ friendsoffallsof clyde.org or Heather McGregor at hmcgregor@friendsoffallsofclyde. org or 526-1559 and leave a message.