Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2008 — Lunalilo trustees [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Lunalilo trustees

Probate Judge Colleen Hirai named the three trustees of the King William Charles Lunalilo Trust Estate on Sept. 26. The trustees are Stanley Hong, 73, who was reappointed; Harvey Mclnerny, 52, was appointed from interim trustee; and Kamani Kuala'au, 29, was a new appointee. The trustees will serve staggered tenns of nine, seven and five years, respectively. The court approved Hong's reappointment to serve after the age of 70, whieh is the cut-off age stipulated by the king's will. "(Hong is) the glue between the past and the future," Mclnerny said. "We felt it was very necessary to have him be a big part in what we're doing as far as stabilizing our trust." The king's will established Lunalilo Home for elderly infirm Hawaiians, whieh opened in 1883 in Makiki. In 1927 it relocated to its current loeahon in Hawai'i Kai, where it operates a type two adult residential care home that ean accommodate 44, provides respite services, an adult day care open to all, and Meals on Wheels. "We give preference to Native Hawaiians, but we have non-Native Hawaiians too because we need the revenue," Mclnerny said. "If any part-Hawaiian is available to eome out and we don't have room, we would always make that space available." Lunalilo Home plans an open house Nov. 1 and its annual fundraiser lū'au lan. 31, the king's 174th birthday. Call Grace or Dawn at 395-1000 for information.