Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 11, 1 November 2008 — Royal lā hānau [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Royal lā hānau
November marks the birthday month of King Kalākaua, a patron of the arts whose joie de vivre earned hini the niekname the Merrie Monarch. But the king had a serious side, too. His pro-
sressive thinkins led to accomplishments like
sending youths abroad for higher education, restoring hula and other nearly extinct eulk tural traditions, achieving a written text of A the Hawaiian creation chant, Kumulipo,
not to mention his talents as an attorney, composer, singer, musician and k literary author. His musical eompo-
sitions, like the Hawaiian anthem "Hawai'i Pono'I," "Koni Au I Ka Wai" and "Ninipo," still enchant music lovers in the 21st century. On Nov. 16, celebrate the king's 172nd birthday at 'Iolani Palaee, his former home, where a concert by the Royal Hawaiian Band, hula and palaee tours will combine in a royal tribute to the Hawaiian Kinsdom's seventh kins. Runs
from 11 am. to 3 p.m., free for kama'āina. He inoa no Ke Ali'i David La'amea Lmnialani Mahinulani Nalo 'iaehuokalani Kamanakaupu 'u Kalākaua. E