Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2008 — Makahiki fest burning bright [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Makahiki fest burning bright
Atorch is being passed during this makahiki season of peaee and abundance. The uber-popular pan-Polynesian Makahiki Maoli Festival will continue to feature makahiki games, arts, food and entertain-
ment from Hawai'i, Tahiti, Rapa Nui, Samoa and Tonga, but starting this year the event will become a fundraiser for Pūnana Leo o Honolulu to "keep the language alive and to keep the awareness of the makahiki going," said Ka'uhane Lee, president of Ke Ala 'Ōlino Hawai'i, the event's founder. All proceeds from the event will support the school's program and keiki. The event has been such a success - it attracted 10,000 attendees when it traveled to Tahiti in 2006 - and has helped to achieve a new Hawai'i state
law that establishes eaeh Nov. 20 from here on as Makahiki Coimnemoration Day. So after five years of helpine to raise awareness of the makahiki
season, Lee says, "mission accomplished." That's not to say Ke Ala 'Ōlino's work is done. The group is now setting its sights on cultural heritage preservation relating to sacred sites. For information or booth application for the free Makahiki Maoli Festival, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 22 at Kapi'olani Park Bandstand, eall 728-5663, email plohonolulu@gmail.com or visit ahapunanaleo.org. — Lisa Asatū E3
This year's T-shirt designed by U'i Naho'olewa, features ū Iheme chosen by Puakea Nogelmeier.