Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 10, 1 October 2008 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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PLUS, EARN UP TO 5,000 CASHPOINTSSM • • • When you apply and are approved for the Priority Rewards Debit and Credit Cards*.

The OHA Mālama Loan Program through First Hawaiian Bank is exclusively for Native Hawaiians and Native Hawaiian organizations. It ean be used for tuition; home improvement; and any of your business needs. For more information; please eall 643-LOAN. To apply; please visit fhb.com or any First Hawaiian Bank branch. (S)HA 0FFICF DF HAWAIUN AFF>IFr* First Hawaiian Bank We say Yes

H fhb.com ■9BH Member FDIC Applicants must be of Native Hawaiian ancestry (birth certificate, OHA registry card, or Kamehameha Schools verification letter will be accepted as preef) er a Native Hawaiian erganizatien. If the applicant is a grcup cf people erganized fer eeenemie develepment purposes, applicant cwnership must be 100% Native Hawaiian. Berrewers may be required te cemplete a credit ceunseling class befcre receiving the lean. Based upen a loan amcunt cf $10,000 at 5.00% APR, the payment weuld be $188.71 per menth based on a fully amcrtized lean for 5 years. Subject tc credit appreval and eligibility. Certain restrictions and ccnditicns apply. *5,000 CashPoints is a tctal cf 2,500 points upen apprcval cf Priority Rewards Cebit Card and 2,500 points upen apprcval cf Priority Rewards Credit Card. Allew 30-45 days frem the date of purchase te receive yeur bonus pcints. ūffer is epen to perscnal acceunts cnly and is subject tc credit appreval. CashPoints have ne cash value except as described in the Priority Rewards Pregram Agreement. First Hawaiian Bank reserves the right to eaneel the pregram at any time.