Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2008 — Page 23 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

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As chair ofthe Molokai Lanā "W T r ■ "1 "W^ Trust, Colette was instrumental m/ fl B I in securing the 1,600 acres from V -H- B ^ 'īli'o Point to Keonelelefor conservation anā subsistence. MACHADO

' 1 Ē fM I ■ K. H Bj» r i i IHBu ^HH^ COLETTE Y. PI'IPI'I MACHADO Serving OHA Beneficiariesfor Twelve Years with Intelligence, Integrity, and Compassion VOTEMACHADO.COM

\C £ # I iit M ian A5 chair ofthe OHA Beneficiary anā Advocacy committee, Colette worked to provide funding of $30 million in revenue bondsfor Department ofHawaiian Home Lands construction projects. ^ Colette led fundraising to restore historic Kalaniana'ole Hall in Kalama'ula, Moloka'i, where 'ohana ean gather for a final farewell to their loved ones. HbK-A- ,,T$WHjn8 yi. ■ . . . i II i lipl^ \