Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 10, 1 October 2008 — Civic Club convention [ARTICLE]
Civic Club convention
The Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs gather for its 49th annual convention at Hilton Kaua'i Beach Resort on Kaua'i, from Oct. 19-26 and invites the puhlie to the following free events: The Queen 's Women Kū'ē Petition play, Oct. 19, 5-9 p.m.; workshops Oct. 22, 8 a.m. to noon, on topics of Mele Ni'ihau a me Kaua'i; Lua: art of the Hawaiian warrior; 21st century technology: culture and education, Kaua'i chiefly lines; and Native Hawaiian heahh. Catch the annual 'Aha Mele Competition at the hotel, Oct. 24, 8 p.m., $10. The convention wraps Oct. 26 with church services at the hotel, 7:30-8:30 a.m., and a 5 p.m. 'aha 'āina at Kaua'i Veterans Hall, $60 admission. For information, eall convention coordinator Loina Akima at 808-960-2841.