Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 10, 1 October 2008 — History lies in eye of beholder [ARTICLE]

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History lies in eye of beholder

Alika Poe Silva writes with justifiable passion - Tyramiy and iwi exposed- in KWO' s September issue. However, history is not quite as stated. The Kingdom of Hawai'i was extinguished on lan. 17, 1893, by the eoup organized by Thurston, Dole and their co-conspirators, supported unofficially by American troops. Theirprovisional government was succeeded by the Republic, whieh vigorously sought the annexation that was granted in 1898. The United States, therefore, did not illegally occupy the Kingdom, as stated, as

it was already extinct, but acceded to the wish of the then-de facto govemment - the Republic. Reading the old accounts, it's surprising how many foreign residents, including Americans, wished the Islands to remain independent. John Marsden Sheffield, England