Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 10, 1 October 2008 — Rudolph Earl Leikamana Mitchell Sr. [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Rudolph Earl Leikamana Mitchell Sr.

June 9, 1927Sept. 14,2008

£ £"¥" "Tncle Rudy," a longtime I I historian and archaeV_X ologist of Waimea Valley, explored, dug and uncovered Hawaiian history in the valley

I on 0'ahu's North Shore, a plaee he treasured until his passing Sept. 14. Mitchell's lineal eonneehon to the

area stretches back more than two centuries, when Kamehameha the Great named Mitchell's ancestor Hewahewa Nui the kahuna nui of the valley. "Unele inspired us to look to our genealogy, our mo'okū'auhau, understand our kūpuna, Hewahewa nui and to mālama the 'āina of our ancestor, Waimea Valley," said Na'mi Kama, an 'ōhana member. "From 1978 thru 1998, unele was a strong advocate for the preservation of the many burial, religious and cultural sites that are there throughout the valley. As historian and archaeologist of Waimea Valley, he made significant changes to the protocol of the valley." Mitchell experienced struggles under the management of past owners and left the valley, but it never diminished his love for it. The Hewahewa 'ohana will celebrate and honor Mitchell at its reunion Oct. 9 and 10 at Waimea Valley, "where Unele will always remain in spirit," Kama said. He is survived by his wife, Annette, and others. S

— HE HO'OMANA'O ■ IN MEM0RIAM — ■■ i.« miu . j , 1 . , W — ... _ _

Mitchell. - Photo: Courtesy of Waimea Valley