Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2008 — Page 31 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
"l'm making it happen." So ean you.
HalfIronman athlete, scholarship winner, goingplaces. "My passion is fitness. My goal is to eomhine heakh and fitness with Hawaiian values. 1hat s why I'm working on a Hawaiian Studies j Certificate at Windward — to help me get into the health care field and make those connections with the next generation." Explore courses in Hawaiian studies with Kalani Meineeke- Hawaiian Language Liko Hoe - Polynesian Voyaging, Hawaiian Mythology lngeWhite Ethnobotany/Medicinal Plants of Hawai'i Dave Krupp - Coral Reefs Floyd McCoy- Big lsland Field Geology Paul Field - History of Hawai'i and more... Let us helpyou defineyourworld. To apply for admission, eall 235-7432 or visit windward.hawaii.edu. UNIVERSITY of HAWAI'I Wtj WlNDWARD COMMUNITY COLLEGE