Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2008 — Page 29 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Torres Jr. are planning a family reunion for all family members in July of 2009. They are: Julia, Dovie, Louise, Flora, Katherine, Cheiydeilani (Nakila), Elisia (Valentine), Alfred & Andrew (Kemfort), & Malo, Albert Torres. They are the grandchildren of Arcillio Torres Sr. and Julia Maldonado. Please send all infonnation or questions to Momilani Kemfort, PO Box 790534, Pā'ia, HI 96779. All information is greatly appreciated! 'lmi 'Ohana • Family Search Cunningham - My name is Stephanie Cunningham of Diamond Bar, Calif. I am a descendant of Anne Kanekoa from Kailua, O'ahu. She was married to Nickolas Raymond Gagne and had one son, James Clarence Gagne who is my father. From what I know, there is a family connection with the Cobb Adams and Ani family. Please e-mail information to sacrams57@ verizon.net. Mahalo for your kōkua. Ha'o/Harbottle/Adams - My name is Maile Ha'o and I am looking for relatives. I'm starting to work on the family tree, and if anyone has information and/or pictures I would really appreciate your kōkua. My e-mail is haoohana808@yahoo.com, and my address is 45-513 Pahia Road #204A, Kāne'ohe, HI 96744. Johnson - I am seeking any descendants of Maiy Kawahaloa Kaiona and Pedro "Manini" Johnson. Their children were: Rebecca Kaanaana Johnson (1918-1987), Clarissa Johnson Antone, Archie Manini Johnson (1921-1965), Albert Kala'ohawai'i Johnson (1925-1982) and James Johnson. Please contact Roz Solomon Kaplan at 808-575-5065, e-mail Hawnrozz@msn.com, or writeto: P.O. Box 1291, Ha'ikū, HI 96708. Kauakahi/Keanui/Keaunui - My name is Phyllis Kauakahi Specht. I am searching for long lost relatives that may still be living on the north shore of O'ahu that belonged to Anna Keanui Kauakahi 'ohana. My Tūtū Kauakahi was said to have been bom on Ni'ihau in the late 1800s. She and her 'ohana lived in Nānākuli for a time before her death in 1940. If anyone knows of or is part of this 'ohana, please contact me at spechthaus@yahoo.com. Mahalo! Kekipikamakahukilani - 1 am looking for more information on my 'ohana. Joseph Kahikina Kekipikamakahukilani (April 7, 1900-June 15, 1946) was from Pāpōhaku, Wailuku, Maui. He married Elizabeth Kapapuni Kuoha of Pe'ahi, Waikakula, Maui (Nov. 30, 1907-Nov. 22, 1947). They had eight children: Joseph Kekipi, Bemice Marie Leimapuana, Emily Maiy Leialoha, Pearl Katherine Leinaala, Thoedore Kealii, Geradane Leimaile, Patricia Corina Leilani and 01ive Leimamo. Elizabeth Kapapuni Kuoha re-married (Fulgencio Ragudo Sr.) and had four children: Harold John Kaheakeli Kekipi Ragudo, Lany Valentine Waiohu Ragudo, Lorraine Kuuleimomi