Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2008 — Identify 4 musicians [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Identify 4 musicians
In November/December 1940, a group of four Hawaiian musicians toured our country, Aotearoa. Many of us who attended their concert still have very pleasant memories of their visit. Many still remember some of the songs that were sung by this group. I am enclosing a photograph taken on the occasion of their visit to a loeal Māori school in
the hope that you will publish it with a view to seeing whether any of these people or their family members ean identify them. There is a gentlemen standing at the rear wearing a hat, and another in white with women on either side. On the right is a woman whose name is Momi Ka'imoku, wearing a lei, and at the end of the row is another member of the group and I think
his name is Al'i. One of the other names I recall is someone called Dan (wearing the hat, I think). I would be very interested in receiving any information that might eome should you choose to publish the photograph. June Te Rina Mead Wellington , NewZealand Contact Mead via e-mail at terina. mead@paradise.net.nz.
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A Mōori reader seeks your kōkua in identifying the four Hawaiian musicians in this photo taken in 1 940 in Aotearoa. - Photo: Courtesy ofJune TeRinaMead