Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 9, 1 September 2008 — Kamehameha lawsuit [ARTICLE]

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Kamehameha lawsuit

Another lawsuit against the Kamehameha Schools is being filed and is frivolous because it seems to duplicate a former suit to extract funds from the defen-

dant, Kamehameha Schools. In the first case, no one - not the denied student or the students of other schools or even the general puhlie benefited. Why? Because Kamehameha Schools is a full public-service institution. Kamehameha Schools holds about half of its estate lands in conservation to protect our fresh water in the forest reserve, where water ean be purified as it filters down into aquifers for dwindling drinking water supplies. It receives no compensation for this. The other half of the estate's lands is mostly in agriculture. The state, through zoning, has determined that agriculture is important, and we ean be more self-sustainable by raising our own fresh food instead of being vulnerable and held hostage to so many needed imports. A small part of the second half of its estate lands, like 2 to 3 percent, has been developed, and all of that ineome is dedicated to support the only mission of the estate and to educate children. Whieh it does quite well. This should mean that all of the Kamehameha assets are in puhie service as it is providing or assuming the foregoing puhlie services. Education is not being denied. There are other schools open and eaeh has specific criteria to enter. BuzzyAgard Honolulu Kamehameha Schools, Class af '42