Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 9, 1 September 2008 — Page 22 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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m ■ Aloha, The Thirty Meter Telescope project would hke to invite you to participate in its Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Process. This proposed project would he located on Mauna Kea and is in the early planning stages. The Thirty Meter Telescope, if hudt, would have a segmented primary mirror 30 meters in diameter. The proposed telescope would he the most technically advanced telescope in the world with ohservational powers many times greater than any availahle today. An Environmental Impact Statement Preparation Notice for the project will he puhlished soon and the puhlie is encomagedto provide comments. Puhhe meetings will he held on the Islands of Hawai'i and O'ahu in Septemher and Octoher. Details on these meetings will he provided soon on om wehsite and toll-free hotline noted helow. If you would hke to learn more ahout the project, provide comments, or add yomself to the maihng list, please: • Visit om wehsite at www.TMT-HawaiiEIS.org • CaH our projecttoll-free hothne at 1-866-284-1716 • Contactus at: TMT Project EIS Process 650 NorthA'ohokuPl. Hilo, HI 96720, HSA We look forward to working with the communities of Hawai'i on this project. Mahalo for yom time and interest. ■= -■