Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2008 — Hoʻomanaʻo I Nā Wā I Hala, recall the past [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hoʻomanaʻo I Nā Wā I Hala, recall the past

By Francine Murray Bruadcast/Media Cuurdinatūr

Several very talented Hawaiian music artists have drawn inspiration from the past producing an exquisite line up of mele 'ōlelo Hawai'i this suimner. Help perpetuate Hawaiian language and culture by supporting loeal artists and entertainers. loin us on Na'Ōiwi 'Ōlino, the Hawaiian Taik Radio show every Friday as we bring you exclusives with loeal entertainers and the latest on upeoming events. Broadcast live on AM 940 KKNE on O'ahu, AM 850 KHLO in Hilo, AM 790 KKON in Kona, AM 900 KNUI in Maui and streamed live online at AM940Hawaii.com from 6:30 - 9 a.m.

We caught up with the Songbird of Miloli'i, Diana Aki, at Nā 'Ōiwi 'Ōlino, on O'ahu. The Nā Hōkū Hanohano Award winner had just

flew in from Hilo and was sharing her inspiration with us. Kalihi is the title of her new CD and the name of a particular plaee full of special memories. "It sort of inspired me to write," said Diana.

"At the end of Miloli'i road there is a pathway, a walkway. Then you eome to a little property, and that special plaee is called Kalihi. This is where my roots eome from." "Sometimes we need to have some privacy. And sometimes we need to just wander off and be alone. So, I would go to Kalihi," Diana said. In Kalihi there are pūnāwai, brackish water ponds.

Diana says she would sit among the hala and look into the pond, reflecting and reminiscing of days with her family, and that is how she wrote. "That's how all those songs that I sing, like 'Moments with You' eame about." Her 'ukulele, angelic voice and warm Hawaiian smile will enchant you. CDs are available online at

Mele.com, at Native Books/Nā Mea Hawai'i, Borders, Hana Hou, Basically Books, and Nā Mākua. For more infonnation, email: songbird_prohawaii@yahoo. eom or eall 808-989-5946. ^

The boy from Laupāhoehoe returns. A Nā Hōkū Hanohano Lifetime Achievement Award recipient, Hawaiian music legend Bill Kaiwa has blessed us with a new CD. Packed with 16 tracks of melodious old-WaikIkI nostalgia, this selection is great to unwind with. Ho'ohali'a, it evokes sweet memories with songs like "Nani Kapualei" and "Waikīkl."

Leokāne Pryor's voice is so elean and clear, it's simply captivating. His newly released CD Home Makmai is named after the property in Hāna, Maui, where he lives. "Hāna nō ka 'Oi" by lohn Pi'ilani Watkins is the perfect beginning with Pryor's eloquent falsetto. Hāna is indeed the best. The CD ends with its namesake, Home Makmai wann and sweet, this is a song of love for the 'āina and home. "Kaimū" is le'ale'a, so mueh fun to listen to. Available at a store near you or visit Pryor's web site, leokane.com

Del Beazley is in the house. His frfth solo alhum is out. Allfor One is dedicated to Ke Akua, a sequel to his award-winning rehgious alhum One forAkua. Ten of the 1 1 tracks featured on this CD are in 'ōlelo Hawai'i, some traditional Hawaiian hymns. You ean feel the warmth in his voice as he sings his praise and mahalos his 'ohana and friends. Beazley eomposed "God Sent An Angel" for his cherished granddaughter, Mikeila. Beazley went platinum for his eomposition, "Hawaiian SupaMan,"made famous by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole.

Diana Aki performs Thurs., Oct. 2 - Pakele Lounge, Ala Moana Hotel Fri., Oct. 3 - lnternational Marketplace, Waikīkī Sun., Oct. 5 - Ward Warehouse with a CD signing to follow at Native Books/Nō Mea Hawai'i



Kalihi Produced by Diana Aki Songbird Productions

Miloli'i songbird Diana Aki brought along her 'ukulele and gave listeners of 0HA's Hawaiian īalk Radio show a taste of her new CD, Kalihi. - Photo: Francine Murray

Nō Hali'a By Bill Kaiwa Makuakāne Music mountainapplecompany.com

Home Malanai By Leokāne Pryor & Friends Naupaka Productions leokane.com

All for One By Del Beazley Mountain Apple Company mountainapplecompany.com