Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2008 — Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
99 stories about 1 00 extraordinary individuals - -■ * * Jr - , ' ' j/*" „ X1**', / K j . >¥&*** < **/f ■ J *A V. r/' / /- uf* , V M* , f 7/ L / s/ / **"T/ / /f f /%'f / ' / /j t / <fJ V s /fi / / /■ /', Y f4' / ,/•/&'* / ■/7 / />- ** n _ Over 100 years have passed since Ke Ali'i Pauahi" s inspiring words were incorporated hi a will and testament that reflected a deep eoneem for the Hawaiian people and the generations to follow. Her vision was one of faith, hope, and a deep love rooted hi a unique Hawaiian culture, language, values, and traditions that were ebbing in a quickly-changing world. These stories reflect the importance of that culture through family and friendships and how these individuals and many others like them have contributed to the advancement and well-being of the Hawaiian people today. The Legacy Lives On - A valuable addition to your eolleehon and a precious gift for friends and family! Individuals proflled in TheLegacy Lives On include: Wright Eowonan Isabella Abbot Daniel Akaka Mahi Beamer Paulette Kahalepuna George Kanahele Robert Caztmero Martha Hohu Marie McDonald Dndght Kauahikaua Order your limited edition copy of ihe Legacy Lives On today! Contact Albert Wong at the Paeiiie American Fomidation. Call (808) 263-0081 or see www.thepaf.org to plaee your order.