Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 8, 1 August 2008 — Page 32 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
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AppJications to graries 10. 1 1 anri 12 are accepieri. but space availabifilv at Uiese grarie levets is not guaranleed. *For kinrieigarten, elīgibleapplicaiits inckide bovs bom between July 1 , 2003 and June 30, 2004 and girls born betv/een October 1 . 2003 and September 30. 2004. To reguest an appliealion or for more inforrnation, visil us at www.ksbe.edu/admissions or eall us at 342-8800 Neighbor island applicants may catl toll-free at 1-800-842-4682 e*t. 3800. I KAMEHAMEHASCHOOL5 Kanvtiwietu Sctx>ois ' xtnvssionspoiicy e io gfvgpfsfsmKe io oppiieam <V H*man <īiietsr;y to !)k e%twtpermti£dtyfaY, Appt&vti. iy/io to bc twts>dered tmdtrttiat pQt>& rmth$vi ihaf snest<Y iwf iitd ty K$ Ho'oolu HmMP DiteCenter