Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 8, 1 August 2008 — Page 31 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
KALAMAULA, MOLOKA'I FOR SALE Vacant lot, ready to build, level, 42,994sf, located in Pa'ia Plaee, eul-de-sac. DHHL lease. Bobbie Kennedy (RA), (808) 5455099, (808) 221-6570. Email: habuchal@aol.com. KAPOLEI UNDIVIDED INTEREST For sale to qualified Native Hawaiian, DHHL lease. Great opportunity. Bobbie Kennedy (RA), Graham Realty īne. (808) 5455099, (808) 221-6570. Email: habuchal@aol.com. KAWAIHAE HOMESTEAD LOT FOR SALE: Beautiful perimeter 27,269 sf with oeean view. $58,000. Contact Lali De Wolfe, RA tel. (808) 392-2656. Coldwell Banker Pacific Properties. Kokua 'Ohana: Native Hawaiian Foster Families Needed. Hanai I Ka La'akea. For more information eall (808) 5956320 or toll free at (888) 879-8970 KULA WAIOHULI RES. UNIT 1 Single-level home built 2002. Tile/laminate floors, master bath Jacuzzi, sprinklers, Elee. gate, tile/chainlink fence. DHHL lease. Laura P. Chong (RA) (808) 225-2069. laura.chong@pruhawaii.com LOOK YOUNGER, feel healthy, live longer, have the energy to get through the day. Drink Mona-Vie Aeai, buy wholesale. Contact Vangie @ 293-8403 or 218-4402. LOOKING TO PURCHASE LEASE for 1/2 acre or 1 acre in Waiohuli area. Call (808) 870-2958. MAUI - LOT CLEARING, GRUBBING, excavation of your homestead lot. Examples available, quality work and reasonable rates. Call 808-760-8278. MAUI MONUMENT & GRANITE CO., 75 Amala Pl. Kahului, 808-8774609. Headstones made by Gilliom 'Ohana: Granite, Marble, Bronze Markers, Uprights, Slants, Vases, Um Hse, Pcrtraits, Custom Designs, & Inscriptions done on premises.
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