Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 8, 1 August 2008 — Page 30 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nā mamo a Hāioal

'Aukake • August Kailiawa/Kepio - Descendants of Kailiawa and Kepio are seeking other family members interested in meeting and discussing lineal descent the weekends of Aug. 9 and 10 on Hawai'i Island, andAug. 16 and 17 onO'ahu. Children of Kailiawa and Kepio were born about 1845-1863: Paakaula (w), Kaunui (k), Nahalelua (w), Kuumi (k), Iaukea (k), Waialii (w), Kahai (w), Kailiawa (k) (aka John Kai). Contact Valerie Leong @ leongr011@hawaii. rr.com or 808-620-0343 for times and places. Kamana/Kapele - The descendants of Lily Keliihuli (Kamana) Keliihoomalu, Frank Kaui Kapele, Elizabeth Mae Lahapa (Kamana) Keliihoomalu, Maggie Keola (Kamana) Kuikahi, Obed Kamana, and Sarah Kahaleaulani (Kamana) Ke, plan a family reunion for Aug. 30 and 31, 2008, in Pāhala, Hawai'i Island, at Pāhala Community Center. For information: MabelWilson @ 982-7645, Paulette Ke @ 217-5654, Harry Kuikahi @ 329-0611, Keamalu Waltjen @ 928-8028, or Berni McKeague @ 933-1495. Kawaauhau/Paauhau - Brothers Daniel Kawaauhau, w. Aliikapeka Kaliuna; Philip Kawaauhau, w. Kahele Kaaiwaiu; John Kawaauhau, w. Waiwaiole; and sister Kahiona Kawaauhau, k. Simeon Milika'a Paauhau are having a family reunion Aug. 29-Sept. 1, 2008, in Miloli'i, the last Hawaiian fishing village, South Kona, Hawai'i Island. Children of Ihe family are: Daniel (Pahio, Kahalepo, Keliikuli, Kahanapule, Kapeliela, Kaulahao, Paulo, Kaleikauea, Makia, Kekumu, Kauka and Haaheo. All children but Ihe last three use their first name as their last name.) Philip (James and Henry K. Hart Kawaauhau); John (Anna, Keliihelela and Auliana Kawaauhau); Kahiona (Sam and Agnes Paauhau). Kahiona K. Paauhau 'ohana are Lono; Leleahana; Timothy, w. Philomena Kauka Kawaauhau; John, w. Pale; Kahula, k. Philip Haae; Albert Kamana'o, w. Hauola Mahiai and Joseph K.W. Kalahikola. For information, write to: Sarah Kahele, 144 Kaie'ie Plaee, Hilo, HI 96720, or eall her at 808-959-1607; eell, 808-854-0330. Or eall Ruth Kahele at 808-854-0189. Stupplebeen/Zablan - Rose Zablan married James Stupplebeen and lived near Hilo on the Big Island. We are trying to complete our Hui O Zablan Volume II and are unable to contact a representative of Ihe James and Rose Stupplebeen Family. If you could help us please contact Auntie Leatrice Zablan 73A4779 or Cousin Susan Victor 988-1272. The Hui O Zablan Annual Pienie is Aug. 23 at Ala Moana Park Area 30 starting at 9 a.m It is potluck. Bring your own chair. We hope to see you there. Vietor/Akoi - The descendants of Kamukai Victor and Amelia Akoi will hold their 5th 'ohana reunion on O'ahu, Aug. 15-17, 2008. Friday, Aug. 15: Dinner at Pagoda Hotel International Ballroom; doors open at 4:30 p.m. for reunion registration, 'ohana T-shirt piekup, genealogy display, Kau Inoa sign-up, and health screenings. Evening events include musical entertainment, guest

speaker, and slideshow. Saturday, Aug. 16: Cultural field trips starting at 8:30 a.m. Top of Diamond Head, Made in Hawai'i Craft Fair, golf at Olomana Golf Links, or free day to shop/sightsee. Lū'au at Enchanted Lake Elementar}' School cafeteria that evening. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. for genealogy display, Kau Inoa sign-up and health screenings. Evening events include entertainment, introduction of various 'ohana as descendants of Ihe eight children of Kamukai and Amelia that had offspring (Aiko, Annie Akiu, Helen Kahanu'u, Herman A'ina, Joseph Aiona, Lucy Pe'a, Miehael, and Peter), and slideshow. Sunday, Aug. 17: Aloha Breakfast at Sam Choy's. Buffet starts at 9 a.m., on your own. Reunion registration packets have been mailed out and are available on 'ohana website (www.victor-ohana.org). For details contact Dwight Victor at 808-688-2349, dwight@victor-ohana.org ; Lineoln Victor at 808-668-7127, Lincoln@victor-ohana.org; Dodge Watson at Dodge@victor-ohana.org or mail us: 'Ohana o Kamukai, P.O. Box 970700, Waipahu, HI 96797. Wahilani/Kaleikini/Kalama - Announcing a family reunion Aug. 8-10, 2008, Wai'anae, O' ahu. Descendents of John Lanipae Wahilani Kaleikini and Elizabeth Piliholeiowahinekapu Kalama are: Roselia Kanoelani Wahilani Kaleikini, John Kaukaopua Wahilani Kaleikini, Samuel Welaohilani Wahilani Kaleikini, Charles Kaanapukawilaokalani Wahilani Kaleikini, Elizabeth Kukauwahiho Kaleikini, Walter Kalawaiokanoa Kaleikini, Lawrence Hoohokulani Kaleikini, Clarence Kaleikini, Carinthian Elaine Kaleikini. Call 671-0101 for information/reservations or visit www.wahilaniohana.com. Kepakemapa • September Jones - The William Claude & Ma'ema'e Jones Ohana Camping & Pienie will be held Thursday througti Sunday, Sept. 4-7, at Kualoa Park Campground A. For more information contact Leilani at (808) 236-7016, (808) 348-5957 or e-mail jonesjen@hawaii.rr.com 'Okakopa • October Mlalo - A family reunion will be held Oct. 8 - 11, 2008 at Leleiwi, Hilo. This Malo family originates from Leleiwi. The paternal Line goes back to Nakioe, Naipualoha, Kauikoaole, David Malo. We would like to gather Ihe families of David Malo from his two marriages. First marriage to Elena Kuhiaokalani: Dinah Kina Malo Pokini (George), Keliiwahineokeahi Malo Kipikaio (Arthur), Rosina Kaonohiohala Malo, Lilia (Lily) Malo (she had a daughter, Elena Malo). Second marriage to Luke (Lucy) Kamehaiku: John David Malo (Eva Kauka), Rose Kalawaia Malo Yost (Harry), Dinah Malo (Louis Hoe), David Kauikoaole Malo Jr. (Annaliesse Holzman), Lucy Kawahineokahikina Malo (Thomas Mize), Peter Kaupai Malo (Judith Honer). If you are descendants of any of these family members, we are interested in meeting with you and sharing family information and genealogy. My name is Pualani Malo Ka'imikaua and my

father is John David Malo. E-mail puamalo@ hotmail.com, eall 808-672-3220, or write 92622 Newa Street, Kapolei, HI 96707. Nowemapa • November Kaaa - The Kaaa 'Ohana Reunion will be held on Nov. 22, 2008, at 10 a.m. at Ihe Wai'anae Army Recreation Center at Pōka'ī Bay. (Harvey House, 85-010 Army St., Wai'anae) This will be a potluck. Please R.S.V.P. to Keola & Valerie Bandmann at 801-358-8541 or Jeanne Kahanaoi at 808-696-2314. Send family photos or new information to Jeanne Kahanaoi at 86-290 Hōkūkea Plaee, Wai'anae, HI 96792. 'lmi 'Ohana • Family Search Cunningham - My name is Stephanie Cunningham of Diamond Bar, Calif. I am a descendant of Anne Kanekoa from Kailua, O'ahu. She was married to Nickolas Raymond Gagne and had one son, James Clarence Gagne who is my father. From what I know, there is a family connection with Ihe Cobb Adams and Ani family. Please e-mail information to sacrams57 @verizon. net. Mahalo for your kōkua. H a ' o/H arbottIe/Adams - My name is Maile Ha'o and I am looking for relatives. I'm starting to work on Ihe family tree, and if anyone has information and/or pictures I would really appreciate your kōkua. My email is haooha na808@yahoo.com, and my address is 45-513 Pahia Road #204A, Kāne'ohe, HI 96744. Johnson - I am seeking any descendants of Mary Kawahaloa Kaiona and Pedro "Manini" Johnson. Their children were: Rebecca Kaanaana Johnson (1918-1987), Clarissa Johnson Antone, Archie Manini Johnson (1921-1965), Albert Kala'ohawai'i Johnson (1925-1982) and James Johnson. Please contact Roz Solomon Kaplan at 808-575-5065, email Hawnrozz@msn.com, or write to: P.O. Box 1291, Ha'ikū, HI 96708. Kanaha/Meheula - My name is Thomas Henry Kanaha Gilman. I am looking to find genealogieal information on my grandparents, Thomas Kalepo Kanaha of Maui and Aliee Laa Kaukau Meheula. I have been able to trace my father's side of the family as far back as his parents, but have not been able to find any information for family ancestty beyond Thomas or Aliee. I have been told that I am related to a Rev. Moses Meheula. My father Hemy Meheula was adopted by David Gilman when David married Aliee Kaukau. I would appreciate any information that ean be sent my way, no matter how little it may be. Please e-mail me at kamakeii_68@ yahoo.com or myspace.com/macardjal, eall me at 360-430-3382, or write P.O. Box 1 164, Castle Rock,WA 98611. Kauakahi/Keanui/Keaunui - My name is Phyllis Kauakahi Specht. I am searching for long lost relatives that may still be living on the North Shore of O'ahu that belonged to Anna Keanui Kauakahi 'ohana. My Tūtū Kauakahi was said to have been born on Ni'ihau in the late 1800s. She and her 'ohana lived in Nānākuli for a time before her death

in 1940. If anyone knows of or is part of this 'ohana, please contact me at spechthaus@ yahoo.com. Mahalo! Kekipikamakahukilani - I am looking for more information on my 'ohana. Joseph Kahikina Kekipikamakahukilani (April 7, 1900-June 15, 1946) was from Pāpōhaku, Wailuku, Maui. He married Elizabeth Kapapuni Kuoha of Pe'ahi, Waikakula, Maui (Nov. 30, 1907-Nov. 22, 1947). They had eight children: Joseph Kekipi, Bernice Marie Leimapuana, Emily Mary Leialoha, Pearl Katherine Leinaala, Thoedore Kealii, Geradane Leimaile, Patricia Corina Leilani and 01ive Leimamo. Elizabeth Kapapuni Kuoha re-married (Fulgencio Ragudo Sr.) and had four children: Harold John Kaheakeli Kekipi Ragudo, Lariy Valentine Waiohu Ragudo, Lorraine Kuuleimomi Ragudo and Fulgencia Ragudo. If you have any information, contact Sheryl 255-9043, or LNUUANU @yahoo.com. Lono - The Lono 'ohana of Kawaihae is searching for all 'ohana members connected in any way to Imohelau Lono and his wives, Kaluhi and Kahele. Originally from Kawaihae Uka and Kawaihae Kai. Land records show that these 'ohana were Ihe first land owners of Kawaihae-uka Village, in Ihe area called Makila or Makela. Imohelau & Kaluhi had sons Mana'ola, Mahealani, Kamalani, etc. and daughters, Elizabeth, Owaanui, etc. They were Ihe caretakers of all burial sites in Kawaihae Uka including Ihe Lono burial caves. We represent the Mana'ola line whieh includes the Kalawa, Collier, Cabrera, Tabag, Pai, Robins, Kaneholani, Kailikini, Poomaihealani, Irvine, Valenzuela, Ellorda, AhSing, etc. 'ohana. Plans are being made to connect all bloodlines and document for archival purposes and future references. We believe you know who you are, meet us halfway. Hiki? Kāhea/kākau/hele mai, 87-150 Kakalena, Mā'ili, O'ahu. 696-4168. 'Onipa'a! Onekahakaha Cemetery — The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Keaukaha Ward is looking for individuals or families that are related to those individuals who had been buried at the old LDS cemetery, adjacent to Ihe Onekahakaha beach park in Hilo. The Ward is seeking identification as well as collecting records to preserve Ihe history of these people. Some family names Ihe Ward is looking for are: James, John & Kahana Kiupe; Samuel Kikipi, John and Kauahilo Bray, Lonoehu Ku, William Fujii, Moses and George Kekaula, Lily Pua, Mabel Moses, Kauikoaole and Kamehaiku. There are other names that were not documented but had been known to be buried at Onekahakaha. If you know any of these people or are a relative, please eall Ihe Keaukaha Ward bishopric. At Ihe present time Ihe property is privately owned and members had been landscaping Ihe quarter-acre property. Anyone with information, pictures of their ancestor or who wish to share Ihe stoiy of their kupuna is encouraged to eall Bishop Cardines at 935-8847 or Sis. Kalima at 981-0236 during Ihe evening.

ī 4 _/ ^ y f Would you like us to eome to your family reunion to register them? I ^ ^«9 f M Call808 594-1902 oremailHG@oha.org.