Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2008 — OHA Invests In Communities [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

OHA Invests In Communities

Haunani Apuliuna. MSW Chairpersūn, TrustEE, At-large

Aloha mai kakou, as Fiscal Year 2008 (July 2007- June 2008) has made way for FY 2009, beginning with July 1, 2008. Funding to serve the needs of Native Hawaiians through OHA's Community Grants Program is approved by action of the OHA Board of Trustees; and, the OHA Administrator approves administrative grants, consistent with guidelines approved by OHA's Board. Community services providers apply and are awarded financial support as grants to carry out programs of diverse focus, with service and advocacy components, to better the conditions for Hawaiians. These "social and eeonomie investments" assist in developing and nurturing individual, 'ohana and eommunity capacity within the Native Hawaiian community and in so doing, strengthen all of Hawai'i. The following are but a few examples of such OHA and community partnerships through our Community Grants and Administrative grants program since FY 2004 to June 30, 2008: Legal Services for Children; Mālama Nā Mākua A Keiki Mālama Family Recovery Center; T.J. Mahoney and Associates; Wai'anae Community ReDevelopment Corp.; WaikM Community Heahh Center; Waipā Foundation for He Mana'o Productions; 'Ahahui 'Ōlelo Hawai'i; Akakū: Maui Community Television; Aloha First on behalf of Hawai'i Family Advocacy Center; Ao'ao O Nā Loko I'a Maui; Community Clinic of Maui ine.; Community Development Pacific; Community Development Pacific on behalf of Hālau O Kawānanakoa, Helu 'Elima; Friends of 'Iolani Palaee; Garden Island RC&D ine.; Hālau Hāloa; Hālawa Valley Land Trust; Hale Na'au Pono; Hau'ula Community Health Center; Hawai'i Family Services; Hawai'i La'iekawai Association on behalf of Moe Aku Productions; Hawai'i Volcano Circus; KAHEA - the Hawaiian Environmental Allianee; Kauahea ine.; Kaunakakai School; Keaukaha Elementary School; Keola Laulima O

Leikula; Keōmailani Hanapl Foundation; Kipahulu 'Ohana ine.; Kohanaiki 'Ohana; Komike Makua - Pūnana Leo O Wai'anae; Life Foundation; Ma Ka Hana Ka 'Ike; Maui AIDS Foundation; Maui Arts and Culture Center; Maui Eeonomie Opportunity ine.; Office of Social Ministry; 'Ohana Makamae ine.; Pacific American Foundation; Pacific Resource for Education and Learning; Pauoa Elementary School; UH Kua'ana Native Hawaiian Student Development Services; UH Kaua'i Community College; Valley of Rainbows; Wai'anae Community Alternative Development Corporation; YMCA-Communities in SchoolsHawai'i; Ke Ali'i Pauahi Foundation; Protect Keopuka 'Ohana; Kalama'ula Homestead Association; Daughters and Sons of Hawaiian Warriors; Friends of Hōkūle'a and Hawai'iloa; Hawaiian Language Fund; Makana O Liloa; Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation; Kī Hō'alu Foundation; Kekaha Hawaiian Homestead Association; PA'I Foundation; Pacific Arts Foundation; 'Aha Pūnana Leo ine.; Aka'ula School; Aloha House; ALU LIKE ine.; American Lung Association; Anahola Ancient Culture Exchange; Assets Schools; Association for Hawaiian 'Awa; Catholic Charities Hawai'i; Council for Hawaiian Advancement; Earthjustice; Feed My Sheep; Global Medilink Technology ine.; Habitat For Humanity-Moloka'i; Hālau Lōkahi Puhlie Charter School; Hale O Nā Ali'i O Hawai'i, Hālau O Lili'uokalani; Hāola ine.; Hawai'i Community Television; Hawai'i Maoli; Hawaiian Community Development Board; Hawaiian Legacy Foundation; Hilo Intermediate School; Hina Mauka; Ho'omau Ke Ola; Ho'oulu Lāhui; Hui Hānai; Hui Kāko'o 'Āina Ho'opulapula; Hula Preservation Society; 'Ike 'Āina; Institute for Criminal Rehabilitation; Ka Waihona O Ka Na'auao: New Century Puhlie Charter School; Kāko'o Ka 'Umeke; Kamauoha Foundation; Kanu O Ka 'Āina Learning 'Ohana on behalf of Nā Lei Na'auao; Kanuikapono Learning Center Puhlie Charter School; Kaua'i Historical Society; Ke Ana La'ahana Puhlie Charter School; Ke Kula O Nawahlokalaniopu'u; Ke Kula Kaiapuni 'O Ānuenue; Ke Kula Ni'ihau O Kekaha Learning Center and Laboratory Puhlie Charter School; Ke Kula 'O Samuel M. Kamakau Laboratory Puhlie Charter School; Keala Pono

College on behalf of the 'Ōiwi Foundation; Keaukaha Community Association; King Kamehameha Celebration Commission; Kōkua Legal Services; Komike Mākua - Pūnana Leo O Honolulu; Ko'olauloa Community Heahh and Wellness Center; Kukulu Kumuhana No Maui Hikina; Kula Aupuni Ni'ihau A Kahelelani Aloha Puhlie Charter School; Kula No Nā Po'e Hawai'i; Mana Maoli; Manawale'a ine.; Marimed Foundation; Maui Tomorrow Foundation ine.; Maui Youth and Family Services ine.; Moanalua Gardens Foundation; Nā Kai 'Ewalu Canoe Club; Nā Lei Nani O Waialua; Nānākuli High and Intermediate School; Neighborhood Plaee of Wailuku; Olomana School; Paoakalani; Papakōlea Community Development Corp.; PBS Hawai'i; Polynesian Voyaging Society; Protect Kaho'olawe 'Ohana; Reverend Joel Hulu Mahoe Resource Center; Sisters Offering Support; Special 01ympics Hawai'i; Turning Point For Families ine.; UH Leeward Community College; Wai'anae Coast Coalition; Wai'anae Coast Early ChildhoodServices;Wai'anaeCommunity Outreach; Women In Need; 'Ahahui O Nā Kauka Association of Native Hawaiian Physicians; Alzheimer's AssociationAloha Chapter; Dyslexia Tutoring Center of Hawai'i ine.; Enchanted Lake Elementary School; Friends of Waipahu Cultural Garden Park; Hawai'i Family Services; Hui O Kuapā; YMCAIsland of Hawai'i; Ka Hui O Hāloa; Kailua High School; Kāne'ohe Canoe Club; Keala Pono College on behalf of 'Ahahui Mālama O Kaniakapūpū; Kīpahulu 'Ohana; Kōkua Kalihi Valley; Kona Historical Society; Kuleana 'Ōiwi Press; Making Dreams Come True Valley of Rainbows; Nā Huapala 'O Hawai'i; Nānākuli Housing Corporation; Native Hawaiian Advisory Council ine.; 'Ohana Ho'opakele; 'Ohana Komputer; 'Ohana Makamae ine.; Papa Ola Lōkahi; Pili Productions; Salvation Army; United States Veterans Initiative; University of Hawai'i Foundation on behalf of 'Ahahui O Hawai'i, the Native Hawaiian Law School Student Organization; Young Of Heart Workshop; AARP Foundation; Aloha First; Ark of Safety Christian Fellowship; Big Island Liturgy and Arts Center on behalf of Royal Order of Kamehameha I; Christian Ministry Church; Friends of Moloka'i High and Intermediate School; Hale Mua ine.; Hawai'i County Eeonomie Opportunity Council; Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame; Kealapono Indigenous College on behalf of Living Nation; Kualoa-He'eia

Eeumenieal Youth (KEY) Project; Maui Polynesian Tahiti Fete; Merrie Monarch Hawaiian Language; Native Hawaiian Advisory Council; Native Hawaiian Legal Corp. on behalf of Mokuau 'Ohana Project; Native Hawaiian SelfSufficiency Institute; Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center; Paepae O He'eia; Wai'anae Coast Coalition on behalf of Hui Kāko'o Pa'ahao; Waimānalo Hawaiian Homes Association; 'Aha Pūnana Leo ine. on behalf of Kula Kaiapuni O Waimea; Aloha 'Āina Heahh Center; Bay Clinic ine.; Community Conservation Network; Environment Hawai'i ine.; Hawai'i Center For Attitudinal Healing; Hawai'i Family Law Clinic dba Ala Kūola; Hawai'i Nature Center; Institute For Human Services; Kahiau A Tennis Foundation; Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historic Park; Ke Aupuni Lōkahi; Nā Pualei O Likolehua; O'ahu Canoe Racing Association; Tri-Isle Resource Conservation and Development ine.; UH School of Social Work; Windward Spouse Abuse Shelter; YWCA Kōkōkahi Cultural Center; 'Ahahui Mālama I Ka Lōkahi; Alaka'ina Foundation; Alternative Structures International dba Kahumana; American Red Cross Hawai'i State Chapter; Arc Of Hilo; Biographical Research Center; Chaminade University on behalf of ADHD children on Moloka'i and O'ahu; Friends of the Future on behalf of Kohala ProjectVenture; Hawai'i Branch of the International Dyslexia Association; Historic Hawai'i Foundation; Honolulu Community Aehon Program ine.; Hui Maka'āinana O Makana; Hui Mālama Ola Nā 'Ōiwi; Ka'ala Farms ine.; Kula Nā Mamo; Limu Project; Mālama O Puna; March of Dimes Hawai'i Chapter; Mediation Center of Moloka'i; Moloka'i Community Services Center on behalf of Moloka'i Canoe Racing Association; Moloka'i Occupational Center; Nā Pu'uwai; Native Hawaiian Hospitality Association; Papa Laua'e O Makana; Save the Foodbasket; Street Beat ine.; Trust For Puhlie Land; UH at Hilo on behalf of 'Imiloa Astronomy Center; Waimānalo Heahh Center; Waipā Foundation on behalf of Kaua'i Teen Challenge; Nā Maka Walu ine.; La'iōpua 2020; Malama Learning Center; Lāna'i Culture and Heritage Center; Kaumakapili Church; and Papahana Kuaola. You, your 'ohana and your eommunity may have been served by these programs. We at OHA appreciate all the working hands who are diligent and committed to improving the future for Native Hawaiians and Hawai'i. 45/48 ^