Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2008 — Hawaiian nation [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian nation

This is a response to the remarks made by OHA Trustee Boyd P. Mossman in his July Ka Wai 01 a eolumn titled "Upholding the Constitution while working for the Hawaiian nahon." Trustee Mossman cited three things in his eolumn: pennission, support and government. His obscure views demonstrate why the Native Hawaiians convey no confidence with the Office of Hawaiians Affairs. First off, as any Nahon is required to do, is declare itself, perhaps the Trustee would familiarize himself with America's Declaration of Independence to see how it distinguished itself from Britain? Second, OHA's creation and funding of Kau Inoa, in whieh Hawaiians ean identify themselves to vote is also something he should pay attention to, for it's not just an Ameiiean requirement, it is a system used worldwide as an element of Nationhood. Groups like Reinstated Hawaiian Government have been using the same criteria for 10 years now and no doubt it gave rise to Kau Inoa. Lastly, the Lawhil Government of the Kingdom of Hawai'i, whieh to date has been proven to be still in existence by the same country that overthrew it is the only Government that has a elaim to jurisdiction over the Hawaiian Islands. OHA's years of willM bhnd-sided persistence in pursuing a federal relationship has amounted in countless millions "being squandered" as the only remedy, without a doubt exposes their tme intentions, to make the overthrow legal. If not, OHA would sponsor an international symposium on the reinstatement of the Hawaiian Kingdom under Intemational Law. It should have been done many years ago and would have been a mere fraction the cost of federal

recognition lobbying. But rather than even exploring the possibility of JUSTICE, a take it or leave it attitude is implied toward the people it claims to represent while uttering God Bless America? Is this style of leadership a good example for our people, our children? I say the Hawaiian Nation is and deserves all the facts and way better. Kealii Makekau Honolulu, O'ahu


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