Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 8, 1 August 2008 — Who's behind anti-rail? [ARTICLE]

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Who's behind anti-rail?

Recently it's eome to the community's attention that some of the most vocal anti-rail activists are also members of the Grassroot Institute of Hawai'i. Is this important infonnation for Hawaiians to know? Absolutely. Because some of the folks who are out there saying they want a voice for the puhlie on the rail issue are the same ones who belong to an organization that doesn't beheve in programs for Native Hawaiian health and education. They don't support the Akaka Bill and they have a history of opposing any and all efforts that afford our people redress for the historical wrongs we have suffered. These folks are also claiming that rail is bad and using cars is good. That our community can't afford to pay for mass transit, but we as individuals ean afford to pay $5 for a gallon of gas and $8 to use a toll road. These people don't understand why their tax dollars should go to support a rail system that won't go to East Honolulu or the Windward side - but they don't eomplain at all when all of their 'ōpala comes to our end of the island. Rail transit will help working families make their dollars go further. It will help people who live on 0'ahu's West side have commutes that are reliable and

predictable. A rail system will help to preserve our 'āina and bring eeonomie vitality to our island. So stop and think the next time you're approached by the Stop Rail Now folks - and ask them about the Grassroot Institute. You ean tell a lot about people by the company they keep. L Frenchy De Soto Mākaha, O'ahu