Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2008 — KS Trustee search [ARTICLE]
KS Trustee search
Perhaps it's thne to freshen up that rēsumē. The Kamehameha Schools Board of Trustees this month filed a petition to appoint a successor to Trustee Robert Kihune, whose tenn expires on lune 30, 2009. Pending the court's approval of the petition, the search will be on for a new trustee. According to the process by whieh the current Board of Trustees was selected, the Probate Court will appoint a screening eonunihee of seven people, whieh will then accept applications and nominations for the position. The eonnnihee will select and interview six semifinalists. The three finalists will be subject to public connnent for 30 days. The connnittee will submit a report to the Probate Court, whieh will make the final selection. Kamehameha Schools' five-member Board of Trustees oversees policy for
the $7 billion trust in accordance with the will of Ke Ali'i Bernice Pauahi Bishop. In addition to Admiral Kihune, the current trustees of Kamehameha Schools are Chairman Nainoa Thompson, Diane Plotts, Corbett Kalama and I. Douglas Ing.