Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2008 — Grass roots on parade [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Grass roots on parade
By KWŪ staff
In the face of tough eeonomie times all around, Aloha Festivals Floral Parade chair Antoinette "Toni" Lee wants the ieonie parade to embrace simpler times.
"I envision us going back to grassroots," said Lee, adding that floats don't need to cost thousands of dollars to impress. And she speaks from experience. Some three decades ago, her organization made a float for the King Kamehameha Celebration parade for a grand total of $8.61.
"You just eall everybody for help," she says. "People got flowers from their yards," and everyone chips in. Now she's encouraging organizations to do the same. Dancing on a float is a great way for hula hālau to showcase their talents - this year's theme after all is "Hula - the Art of the Hawaiian Dance," and Lee notes that
there's no fee to take part in the parade. Decorated vehicles and floats and are encouraged to join in. Lee, whose work includes chairing the King Kamehameha Celebration Floral Parade for 14 years and the Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalaniana'ole Floral Parade for five years, is taking her first turn as chair for the
Aloha Festivals parade. And with the help of the Friends of the Royal Hawaiian Band, this year will see the return of monetary prizes for bands, and will showcase for the first time the year's Nā Hōkū Hanohano awardees, who will roll down Kalākaua Avenue in two cars. For parade queries, email Lee at leea030@hawaii.rr.com. I
Lei-draped pō'ū units will represent all islands at this year's Aloha Festivals Floral Parade. Top right: Aloha Festivals ribbons are on sale for $5. - Photos : Courtesy ofAloha Festivals