Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 8, 1 August 2008 — Paniolo centennial rides into Waimea town [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Paniolo centennial rides into Waimea town

By Liza Simon Public Affairs Specialist

O AAOhas been /I II I X proclaimed ^ \J \J the "Year of the Paniolo," because it marks the centennial celebration of the day in August of 1908 when Hawai'i Island's 'Ikuā Purdy ascended to fame by winning the Frontier Days World Championship steer-roping contest in Cheyenne, Wyoming. His achievements served notice of paniolo skill that heeame as mueh a part of Hawai'i's history as that of the American West's epie story, as evidenced last July when eowboys in Waiomina ('ōlelo Hawai'i for Wyoming) gave a rousing reception to a paniolo delegation during the kickoff of Cheyenne Frontier Days. Now here's motivation to break out the saddle soap and get ready

to ride again - big time. It's anticipated that some Cheyenne eowboys might be riding into Waimea soon for the Great Waiomina Centennial Celebration and Year of the Paniolo set to unfold during the last two weeks in August. The celebration is being presented by the Paniolo Preservation Society, a Waimea-based nonprofit organization that preserves the history of Hawaiian cowboys and all their horseback mastery. The festive events planned for Waimea, the acknowledged center of Hawai'i's ranch industry, will open with a salute to 'Ikuā Purdy where attendees are encouraged to wear their best boots and cowboy hats. Other dates to peneil in on your calendar include the following events: an historical re-enactment and tribute to Anna Perry-Fiske, a wahine paniolo who raced and roped with the best of them (01d

Hawai'i on Horseback, Aug. 23, 10 a.m.-noon, Minuke'ole Park, next to the YMCA); paniolo party music by Hawaiian entertainers Jerry Santos and Melveen Leed (Paniolo Music Concert at Minuke'ole Park, Aug. 23, 25 p.m.); a fonnal dinner event, that doubles as a fundraiser for the Paniolo Preservation Society, at the home of the last Parker Ranch owner, Richard Smart, who was noted for his love of spectacular parties (An Evening at Pu'u'ōpelu: The Black and White Ball, Aug. 30, 5:30-10 p.m.); the first-ever paniolo fashion show entirely devoted to eowboy and cowgirl couture by loeal island designers (Cowgirls of the Paeiiīe Brunch and Fashion Show, Sept. 1, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Daniel Thiebaut Restaurant, in Kamuela). Admission charge to events var-

ies. For a complete calendar of the Great Waiomina C e n t e n n i a 1 Celebration and

Year of the Paniolo, contact Penny Keli'i Vredenburg at 808-769

0215, email paniolopreservation@gmail.com or visit www.paniolopreservation.org. I

'īkua Purdy is Hawai'i's mostfamous paniolo in a long tradition of Hawaiian cowboys who were riding across the 'ōina long before cowboys were roaming western plains. - Photo: Courtesy ofPaniolo Preservation Society