Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2008 — Page 35 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian Home Lands Loans Spoken Here k W U I I \ -,i

/ \ ualificd buycrs are looking to purchase properties in the V/ Kapolei, Waimanalo, Nanakuli, Princess Kahanu Estates, Papakolea, Series 7, Kewalo, Kalawahine, Waiehu Kou, Laiopua, Keokea, Waiohuli, Keaukaha & the Waiahole Valley areas. If you're a lessee/ seller interested in giving another Native . Hawaiian an opportunity to live on Homestead land, eall L Charmaine. She brings buyers and sellers together. ■ Charmaine Quilit Poki is the Voice of Experience in Loeal Real Estate

The language of the Islands is one that speaks directly to Charmaine Quilit Poki. i Understanding the language, culture and ī f lifestyle of Hawai'i has earned Charmaine a sterling reputation as one of the Island's leading real estate professionals. As an Okhu

Direct: (5U5) /95-4474 | Toll-Free: (oUU) /1U-U//1 | www.LharmaineQuMitPoki.com