Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 7, 1 July 2008 — Winona Beamer [ARTICLE]

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Winona Beamer

Your tribute in memoriam to Winona Beamer (May issue), as well as the touching comments of mo'opuna Kamana Beamer, were both warm and loving, for whieh she was richly deserving. She did indeed touch the lives of so many with her vast knowledge of Hawaiiana, whieh she shared freely and generously with others, including the ehikken of

Kamiloiki School. For the latter, she composed an especially touching song, "Kamiloiki Kula," after hearing our 800-plus children in one of our twice-weekly assemblies singing the warm nahenahe songs of Hawai'i, whieh she so loved. The song she wrote referred to the beautiful setting in whieh the school is situated, and describes it as a model school "of kindness and love ... standing together, working together ... the family, singing happily." What a special gift for the children and Kamiloiki School to be so blessed with a song by Aunty Nona Beamer! Art Wong Retired pnneipal Honolulu