Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2008 — OHA grants [ARTICLE]
OHA grants
The OHA Board of Trustees has approved $3.65 million in grants aimed at serving Native Hawaiian beneficiaries of the OHA trust. The Level II grants provide funding for projects that fall outside the nonnal scope of OHA's eommunity grants program. "The money from these grants will help to ensure that all OHA beneficiaries have expanded opportunities in healthcare, education, housing and eeonomie development," said Board Chairperson Haunani Apoliona. "By bolstering individual opportunities, Native Hawaiians will be in a better position to unify around the eonunon goals of preserving culture and building self-governance." The grants were awarded to the following: » $1 million to Kanu o ka 'Āina Learning 'Ohana to eonstruct Kauhale 'Ōiwi o Pu'ukapu, a complex including a center for early education, conununity resource development and higher learning » $750,000 to Lāna'i Culture and Heritage Center for construction of a center to preserve and present the unique heritage of Lāna'i » $500,000 to Kaumakapili Church for renovation and eonstruction of the conununity services building » $500,000 to Mālama Learning Center to construct an educational complex with art, scienee, conservation and culture to promote sustainable living » $300,000 to Nā Maka Walu for services for incarcerated and homeless populations. » $300,000 to Papahana Kuaola for the Lelekumanu edueahonal program on O'ahu and Moloka'i promoting cultural and natural resource management » $150,000 to Hawai'i Maoli - Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs to construct a conununity center in Kapolei to provide edueahonal, hnaneial and conununity resources » $150,000 to La'i'ōpua 2020 to plan and design a eommunity center for La'i'ōpua and Kealakehe.