Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 6, 1 Iune 2008 — Classifieds only $12.50 [ARTICLE]
Classifieds only $12.50
Type or clearly write your 24-word-or-less ad and mail to: OHA at 711 Kapi'olani Bivd., Honoiuiu, HI 96813. Make eheek payable to OHA.
Submissions received by the 15th of the month will appear in next month's edition.
BIG ISLAND FOR SALE: Pana'ewa, large 3/2 with study/office, fenced yard, fruit trees; Vacant lot, Keaukaha, 21,560 sf; Kawaihae Mauka 36,765 sf. DHHL leases. Trade Keaukaha lot, plus differenee in value for lease on O'ahu. Bohhie Kennedy (RA), (808) 545-5099, (808) 221-6570. Email: hahuehal (ā'aol.eom. BIG ISLAND FOR SALE OR LEASE: Waimea 10 acre fully fenced pastoral lot, Farm Road, Waimea. Ask for details (808) 896-6888. BUYERS WANT TO PURCHASE 3 & 4 hdrm homes in Kaupe'a, Kapolei. For integrity & honesty, eall Wilhelm J.K. Bailey (R), West O'ahu Realty ine. at 228-9236. Email: realestate@wjkhailey.com. DIABETIC OR OVERWEIGHT? I ean help! Lost 35 lhs. in 5 wks. Off insulin, diahetic, cholesterol & BP meds. Fast, safe, easy & physician recommended. www.ohanawellness.tsfl.com Call Johnny Kai, 971-533-6881 or email ohanawellness@'msn.com. DON'T LOSE YOURHOMESTEAD in Waiohuli on Maui! We ean help you to get financing, design your home, and huild it. Call (808) 573-4744. EXPERffiNCED IN PHHL PROPERTIES and general real estate needs - all islands. Bohhie Kennedy (RA), Graham Realty ine. (808) 5455099, (808) 221-6570. Email: hahuchal@aol.com. FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS! Buying, selling, investing, relocating! I ean help you. Call (808) 230-6005. Keanu SouzaKoprowski, Realtor-Broker, Century 21 All Islands.
Email: keanusells@'hotmail.com. Weh site: www. MyIslandDreamHouse.com. FOR SALE - 3 LARGE LOTS Waiohuli Residential Unit 1-2, just several properties down from Kula Hwy. -DHHL lease. Call Bohhie Kennedy (RA), (808) 5455099, (808) 221-6570. Email: hahuchal@aol.com FOR SALE BY OWNER: Modern 2 story dwelling approx. 1,000 sq. ft. upstairs & enclosahle 600 sq. ft. downstairs. Wai'anae Valley HHL oeean view. $305,000. Call (808) 927-7764. FOR SALE EAST KAPOLEI I: Undivided interest lease to Native Hawaiian on DHHL waiting list. Price is negotiahle. Serious callers only, 702-466-4669. FOR SALE - HOMESTEAD LOTS: Waiohuli $55,000 w/house plans. Waiohuli 1/2 acre lot $85,000. Kalama'ula (Molokai) 1 acre $20,000. Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R), (808) 295-4474. FOR SALE - HOMESTEAD LOTS: Pu'ukapu (Big Island) 305 acres (Pasture) $750,000. Puukapu 10 acres (Pasture) $75,000. Puukapu 15 acres (Pasture) $125,000. Charmaine I. QuilitPoki (R), (808) 295-4474. FOR SALE - HOMESTEAD LOTS: Panaewa: 10 acres $160,000. Makuu: 5 acres $55,000. Kawaihae: 31,755 sf lot $80,000. East Kapolei Undivided Interest $50,000. Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R), (808) 295-4474. FOR SALE - HOMESTEAD LOTS: Wai'anae Kai 5 hdrm/6 haths $495,000. Panaewa: Kahaopea 4hdrm/ 10 acres. $399,000. Wai'anae (tear down) 8,528 sq.ft lot
$95,000. Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R), (808) 295-4474. FOR SALE ON MAUI: Waiohuli Hikina suhdivision, half-acre lot, niee view, $70,000. Contact Elmen (808) 298-5565. FOR SALE: WAIOHULI HIKINA DHHL lease. Ready to huild half-acre lot. Make an offer. Call 719-964-5844 or email jyg.ho.young@' excite.com. FOSTER/RESOURCE FAMILIES NEEPEP STATEWIDE: Hawai'i's keiki need safe and loving homes. For more information, eall (808) 441-1117, toll free (888) 879-8970 or email: hui@pidfoundation.org. FREE GAS ANYONE? Active members never pay for gas. Act now and enjoy never paying for gas again! www.FreeGasAtLast.com/helpnow. Email: xhelpnow@gmail.com. Phone: (808) 275-7272. HARP THERAPY: Kī hē 'alu me ka hapa, with all types of music, live on a gold concert harp for your next event. Customized programs. Lowest price in town. 944-0077. KAWAIHAE HOMESTEAD LOT FOR SALE: Beautiful perimeter 27,269 sf with oeean view. $58,000. Contact Lali De Wolfe, RA tel. (808) 3922656. Coldwell Banker Pacific Properties. LOOK YOUNGER, FEEL HEALTHY, live longer, have the energy to get through the day. Drink Mona-Vie Aeai, buy wholesale. Contact Vangie @' 293-8403 or 218-4402. MAUI - LOT CLEARING, GRUBBING, excavation of your homestead lot. Examples available, qual-
ity work and reasonable rates. Call (808) 760-8278. MORTGAGE FREE: Pay off your homestead house mortgage in less than 1/2 the time. Without refinancing and without changing your lifestyle. Contact us for a free analysis. (888) 764-2757. thomas@ tfgroup.us or www.ulstfinancial.net/tfgroup. PONCHO'S SOLAR SERVICE: Solar water heating contractor, utility rebates, tax credits. HECO & MECO approved independent contractor, new systems, pool heating, repairs. Free estimates. O'ahu, 422-4266; Maui, 760-2345. Located Waiohuli Homestead. SEEKING MANUFACTURER REP to market breakthrough nutraceutical product with a composition patent. Srx-figure ineome potential. Commission + Bonuses. Call (808) 218-4402. Vangie. SELLING/BUYING? SAVE THOUSAND$! FS / DHHL / land / multifamily / business. Ken Gines, RA, 389-0489. Jeffrey Samuels RE Services. TRADE FOR FEE-SIMPLE O'ahu: Waimea 11.5 acre, private, fully operational farm. Spacious 3 bdrms., 2 bath, majestic views of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa. Must see! Call (808) 885-0036. WANTED TO PURCHASE Kawaihae homestead lease, cash. Call Robert (808) 883-8624. WHEN BUYING OR SELLING A HOME choose a professional with experience. Fee Simple or Homestead properties. Call Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R), she speaks your language. Your Hawaiian Homes Specialist (808) 295-4474 Century 21 Realty Specialists. ■