Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 6, 1 Iune 2008 — HOʻOHUI ʻOHANA FAMILY REUNIONS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nā mamo a Hāioal

Aehiu/Aena - The descendants of Leong Aehiu and Julia Kaumealanikanu'u Paanui Aena are gathering information and forming a eommittee of family members to serve as liaisons to their respective branch so that the reunion will truly be a family affair. Descendants of the following: Edith Kinolau Aehiu, Lineoln Ah Miu Keanuenue Aehiu, Rose Mew Hee Waihookawaiahao Aehiu, Benjamin Tin Hop Kaonoakawaiakapuila Aehiu, Thomas Tin Fun Kamalii Aehiu, Esther Miu Ung Kauluoa Aehiu, Walter Tin Kit Kaena Aehiu, Fannie Kepani Aehiu and Austin Hung Piu Kaliniepuu Aehiu - please contact: Thelma Keala Binz (Austin) 637-5910, email thel@kealalegacy. eom; Billijean Kam-Takashima (Esther) 2955585, email bkam.bayharbor@hawaiiantel. net or bkam@hawaii.rr.com; or T.J. Miram Cuaresma (Benjamin) 218-9353, email t.j.cuaresma@gmail.com. An informational web site link is available on request. Ahlo/AIo - A reunion on July 18-20, 2008, will honor the descendants of Abraham Amana Ahlo and Juliana Hiilani Ah Nee Ani, including their children: John Amina, Juliana, Alexander Amana, Henry Kilianu, Bernard Stevens, Gilbert Francis, Peter Clement, Abraham Herman, Julia Cecilia, Lorita Malia and Emma Mercy. All family are warmly welcomed to this exciting weekend of sharing, aloha, genealogy, story-telling and more. We'll have a hō'ea/wala'au potluck dinner Friday night, a lū'au Saturday night and an aloha breakfast Sunday morning. Registration forms are available at www.myspace.com/ahloreunion2008. For information: Chairperson Julie Pruett, 808-723-9958, ahloreunion2008@yahoo.com. For genealogy information, Keala Cummings 808-383-5341, kealamsk@aol.com. Chang/Kukahiko - The 'ohana of Ying Chang, "A'ana," and Hattie Keolakai Kukahiko of Makena will have a second family reunion at Kokololio Beach Park in Hau'ula in Windward O'ahu, on Saturday, July 26, 2008, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. All descendants/ families of John, Irene, Daisy, Eddie, Anne, Lily, Samuel, Robert, Ernest, David, Philip, Dorothy, Frank and Solomon are weleome. A $15 fee per household registered includes a family genealogy binder. Eaeh household will bring a main dish and one salad or dessert. To help plan the event, contact Kalani Wilmington, 398-4257, khw461@hawaii.rr.com; or Sharon Rickard, 387-9033, moanasharon@aol.com. Cummings - If you are descendant to William Humphreys, Thomas Booth Jr., Jonah Booth, Joseph Elijah, Parker ,Andrew, Amy Hoolai, Hannah Rachael, please join us at our tri-annual reunion July 26, 2008, atMauiTropical Plantation, Wailuku, Maui. For information, Adele Morar, 808-572-1124, email samorar@msn.com. Ha'o/ HarbottIe/ Adams - My name is Maile Ha'o and I am looking for relatives. I'm starting to work on the family tree, and if anyone has information and/or pictures I would really appreciate your kōkua. My email is haoohana808@yahoo.com, and my address is 45-513 Pahia Road #204A, Kāne'ohe, HI 96744. Hewahewa - The Hewahewa Reunion 2008 Celebration Committees ask all the 'ohana

to pre-register online at www.geocities.com for the Oct. 9-11, 2008, reunion at Waimea Valley on O'ahu. All 'ohana are invited, including those in the lineage of the Royal Order of Pa'ao, Holoae, Puou and Kapele, descendants of Kapapaeelumoku, Konaaihele, Kaaihelemoku, Kaluai, Kapihenui, Kamoeau, Aikau Hewahewa, Akalaninui, Kaoaka, Lono, Hihipa Hewahewakupuna, Kukapu, Kahai Hewahewa, Mailuai, Mahiai Hewahewa, Sarai Kahalewai, Pilipo Kahalewai, Charles Kupahu, Kahalelihau Kalimapehu, John Hau'i Kupahu, Kapihenui, Lepeka Kaleoha'alulu Napahi, Bila Maxwell, Sarai Pai / Esplaquira, Margret Kahalewai Koma, Rose Kalimapehu Young, Kahulanui Hewahewa Kekoolani, Sarai Kamauoha, Ekekela Kua, Akekuna'a Oliwa, Rebecca Kua DeFries, Ho'opi'i 01iver, Hoakalei Crowell, Sarai Kamakau, Edith Kamauoha, Pilomina Makaena Swanson, Marie Taitano, Aliee Makaena Kaupiko, Frances Makaena Naone, Rachel Medeiros Oneha, Henry Makaena, Mona Gohier / Sniffen, Nancy Kahananui, Paul Makaena, Eva Kelii Kupahu, Pihikula Napahi Malakaua, Liwia Malakaua, Bessie Malakaua, Emma Malakaua Kelso, Sarah Malakaua Higa, Moses Malakaua, Konaaihele, Kihe, Barawis. The iwi of Hewahewanui, High Priest for Kamehameha I is laid at Waimea Valley. An ancient protocol processional in honor of Hewahewa will start at 6 a.m. Oct. 9 for the opening of this private, two-day reunion. For information: Chairperson Na'mi Kama, 927-6764 or email hewahewa. reunion2008@gmail.com. Hukiku/ Keulua -The 'ohana of Moke Hukiku and Kapali Keulua will hold a reunion July 19, 2008, on O'ahu. The 'ohana includes the descendants of James Moses, Mary Kiko, ,Annie Flores, Jack Moses, Joseph Kaahanui Moses, Frank Moke, Louise Larinaga, Kalei Tisalona and Malia Santiago, as well as those of Lokalia Anakolio Holt, James Lawrence Holt, Kaluna Keawekane, Malia Kaneaiakala, and the Keolas, ,Ahsings and Kaahanuis. Contact Lehua Carpentier, 689-7651 on O'ahu (registration) or E. Kalani Flores, ekflores@hawaiiantel.net or 808-885-5383 on Hawai'i Island (genealogy). Kamana/ Kapele - The descendants of Lily Keliihuli (Kamana) Keliihoomalu, Frank Kaui Kapele, Elizabeth Mae Lahapa (Kamana) Keliihoomalu, Maggie Keola (Kamana) Kuikahi, Obed Kamana, and Sarah Kahaleaulani (Kamana) Ke, plan a family reunion for Aug. 30 and 31, 2008, in Pāhala, Hawaii Island, at Pāhala Community Center. For information: Mabel Wilson @ 982-7645, Paulette Ke @ 217-5654, Harry Kuikahi @ 329-0611, Keamalu Waltjen @ 928-8028, or Berni McKeague @ 933-1495. Kawaauhau/ Paauhau - Brothers Daniel Kawaauhau, w, Aliikapeka Kaliuna; Philip Kawaauhau, w, Kahele Kaaiwaiu; John Kawaauhau, w, Waiwaiole; and sister Kahiona Kawaauhau, k. Simeon Milika'a Paauhau are having a family reunion Aug. 29-Sept. 1, 2008, in Milolii, the last Hawaiian fishing village, South Kona, Hawai'i Island. Children of the family are: Daniel (Pahio, Kahalepo, Keliikuli, Kahanapule, Kapeliela, Kaulahao, Paulo, Kaleikauea, Makia, Kekumu, Kauka

and Haaheo. All children but the last three use their first name as their last name.) Philip (James and Henry K. Hart Kawaauhau); John (Anna, Keliihelela and Auliana Kawaauhau); Kahiona (Sam and Agnes Paauhau). Kahiona K. Paauhau 'ohana are Lono; Leleahana; Timothy, w, Philomena Kauka Kawaauhau; John, w, Pale; Kahula, k. Philip Haae; Albert Kamana'o, w, Hauola Mahiai and Joseph K.W, Kalahikola. For information, write to: Sarah Kahele, 144 Kaie'ie Plaee, Hilo, HI 96720, or eall her at 808-959-1607; eell, 808-854-0330. Or eall Ruth Kahele at 808-854-0189. Kekipikamakahukilani - I am looking for more information on my 'ohana. Joseph Kahikina Kekipikamakahukilani (April 7, 1900-June 15, 1946) was from Pāpōhaku, Wailuku, Maui. He married Elizabeth Kapapuni Kuoha of Pe'ahi, Waikakula, Maui (Nov, 30, 1907-Nov, 22, 1947). They had eight children: Joseph Kekipi, Bernice Marie Leimapuana, Emily Mary Leialoha, Pearl Katherine Leinaala, Thoedore Kealii, Geradane Leimaile, Patricia Corina Leilani and 01ive Leimamo. Elizabeth Kapapuni Kuoha re-mar-ried (Fulgencio Ragudo Sr.) and had four ehildren: Harold John Kaheakeli Kekipi Ragudo, Larry Valentine Waiohu Ragudo, Lonaine Kuuleimomi Ragudo and Fulgencia Ragudo. If you have any information, contact Sheryl 255-9043, LNUUANU@yahoo.com. Kuakahela - The Kuakahela 'Ohana Organization holds a reunion July 11-12, 2008, at Ka Hale Hoano O Ke Akua Church in Kalihi, 1760 Nalani St„ and July 13, 2008, at Ke'ehi Lagoon Park. Kuakahela and Keaka Kalimaonaona had nine children: Naiheauhau, Kealohapauole, Kaaihue, Kaunahi, Kamau, Kimona, Maila Maria, Wahinelawaia Muolo, and John Keau Kuakahela. Contact Pres. Arthur M. Mahi, 808-325-7134, Hawai'i Island; lst VP Octavia Kaui Kaili, O'ahu, 688-4834; 2nd VP Ted Mokiao, O'ahu; Sec. ,Amy Aquino Martinez, 322-9621 ; Treas. Theresa Mahi, 3257134; Asst. Treas. Agnez Barrozo; Food Chair Apolonio Aquino, 895-1663. Members encouraged to wear name badges, 'ohana uniforms or colors. Call Theresa Mahi for dues, T-shirts, genealogy or candlelight ceremony. Write 73-4149 Hawai'i Belt Rd„ Kailua-Kona, HI 96740. Publicity eall Lyn Lowando 325-7114. Kupahu - The direct descendents of John Haui and EmeMeleana Kulamanu Kupahu and Bertha, Sadie, Miriam, Samuel, Henry and Manuel are having a Kupahu 'Ohana gathering July 4-6, 2008, at Mā'ili Beach Park (subject to change). The fifth generation Leeward cousins will be hosting the reunion, "A Walk to Remember" (Ke Ala Ho'omana'o). We need your most favorite memory and pictures of family events. For information, Nani Puha, 687-0164 (poohnalanil@aol. eom) or Papu Ceruti, 368-5124. Kupihea - The Kahililulumoe (Lulu) Kupihea 'ohana will hold a potluck reunion Sunday, Aug. 3, 2008, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Mililani Recreation Center I. Activities include genealogy work (bring family charts, records, photos and stories) and Kau Inoa information/ registration (bring a copy of your birth certificate or other legal document showing your Hawaiian ancestry). To share

demonstrations of Hawaiian crafts or skills, eall Darlene, 808-678-1126. Bring favorite family recipes for a cookbook to be available at the next reunion! For information: Jeri (Chong), 808-626-1833 or Mike (Kelly), 808-247-0498, or email khloekuma@aol.com. Landford/KahauoIopua - A reunion of the Kahaupali Memorial Association 'ohana will be held July 11-13, 2008, honoring our eommon ancestors Henry Newell Landford (18301908) and Ani L. Kahauolopua (1839-1889) - original owners of Kahaupali Cemetery in Sunnyside, Maui, between Pā'ia and Makawao. The association 'ohana includes all descendants of their daughters (followed by the names of their children): Mary Kiliwehi Landford (Minerva Kiliwehi Kalama, Annie Lanikeha Haughton, Julia Kahaukapu Williamson); Minerva Kulamanu MeLean (Mary Annie MeNieoll); Debra Papu Langsi (Abel Langsi); and Henry's son William Landford (Henry, George, William Jr„ Edward, Samuel, Melina). We hope to reunite all descendants who are eligible for burial or inurnment at this family cemetery. The reunion will be at Pā'ia Community Center, Kū'au, and other places on Maui. For information, www.kahaupali. org, or contact Rosemary Keoho Fujimoto on O'ahu, 664-1828; Joy Enomoto on Maui, 808-276-7242; or mail: KMA 2008 Reunion, P.O. Box 791977, Pā'ia, HI 96779; or email kma. reunion@kahaupali.org. Swift/Hapakukua - The descendants of John Kukuma Swift and Kalihilihiokala Hoopii along with John Pakanaka Hapakuka and his two wives, Lahela Pili and Kali Kuhaulua, are having their reunion July 18-20, 2008, on Maui. Families and friends who would like to participate in our activities and join us for a lū'au on Saturday are weleome. For information: Kathy Shimada, 877-0839, shimadah002@hawaii.rr.com; Kaniu Hapakuka, 760-2611; Lei Moore, 760-2227. Victor/Akoi - The fifth 'ohana reunion of the descendants of Kamukai Victor and ,Amelia Akoi will beheld Aug. 15-17, 2008, on O'ahu. All family are warmly welcomed for an exciting weekend of sharing, aloha, genealogy, historical field trips, Kau īnoa registration, health saeening and more. We'll have a hō'ea/wala'au dinner Friday night, our lū'au hanohano Saturday night and an aloha breakfast Sunday moming. Registration forms are available at www.victor-ohana.org. For information: Chairperson Dwight Victor, 808-688-2349, dwight@victor-ohana.org; Pa'ina Committee CoChairs Joe and Niekie Hines, 808-259-8406; or joe@victor-ohana.org. Wahilani/Kaleikini/Kalama - Announcing a family reunion Aug. 8-10, 2008, Wai'anae, O'ahu. Descendents of John Lanipae Wahilani Kaleikini and Elizabeth Piliholeiowahinekapu Kalama are: Roselia Kanoelani Wahilani Kaleikini, John Kaukaopua Wahilani Kaleikini, Samuel Welaohilani Wahilani Kaleikini, Charles Kaanapukawilaokalani Wahilani Kaleikini, Elizabeth Kukauwahiho Kaleikini, Walter Kalawaiokanoa Kaleikini, LawrenceHoohokulani Kaleikini, Clarence Kaleikini, Carinthian Elaine Kaleikini. Call 671-0101 for information/ reservations or visit www.wahilaniohana.com. ■