Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 6, 1 Iune 2008 — Molokaʻi blueprint [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Molokaʻi blueprint

A new plan aimed at providing a blueprint for an eeononūcally sustainable future for Moloka'i has been released by an ad hoe conununity group, infonnally known as 'ōpiomakua. The eompleūon of the 30-page document comes on the heels of a master plan supported by the Moloka'i Ranch that called for the development of luxury homes at Moloka'i's Lā'au Point. In the wake of widespread eonununity opposition, ranch officials withdrew the plan from the EIS process and in March announced the shutdown of all ranch operations. Members of the 'ōpio-makua group said their plan incorporates several other past efforts to eompile the "best ideas" for eeononūe sustainability and seeks to "answer the question of, 'What do the people of Moloka'i want for their island?' " Topics covered in the new plan include culture, education, agriculture/aquaculture, subsistence, tourism and governance. The'ōpio-makua group is seeking puhlie conunent on the plan. To view the plan go to www.themolokaidispatch.com and eliek on the links.