Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 6, 1 Iune 2008 — Coastal habitat funds [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Coastal habitat funds

The state Department of Land and Natural Resources has received $2.1 million in federal grants to help acquire 4,198 acres on the islands of Hawai'i and O'ahu to protect coastal and forest habitats, wetlands and watersheds. The federal funding will support conservation planning to help protect endangered sea turtle nesting areas, forest habitat for more than 90 rare species, including the largest known populahon of 'elepaio in the Wai'anae mountains. DLNR will be partnering with other federal agencies and several nonprofit organizations in using the funding for the following projects: • $1 million to acquire and protect 551 acres in the district of Ka'ū that includes pristine coastline containing nesting beaches for the endangered Hawaiian hawksbill turtle and offshore feeding areas for the threatened green sea turtle. • $361,196 to apply to the acquisition and pennanent protection of the 3,582-acre Honouliuli preserve in 0'ahu's, 'Ewa district, home of 90 threatened or endangered species, some of whieh are found nowhere else. • $740,000 for the Hāmākua Marsh Watershed project to add 65 acres of wetland and watershed lands to the existing Hāmākua Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary in Kailua to enhanee ongoing recovery efforts for endangered Hawaiian water birds and plant species in the marsh.