Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 6, 1 Iune 2008 — Tyranny and iwi exposed [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Tyranny and iwi exposed

By Alika Pae Silva Aloha nō 'ohana, remember what our kūpuna taught us about our sacred rock eanoe, how it carries the souls of our ancestors back and forth to I'O Lani Palaee to defend our Independent Hawaiian Kingdom State for generations to eome! Our kūpuna visualized, practiced and taught us about our genetic eonneetion to our 'āina and Kukaniloko, the piko of O'ahu and all Hawai'i Loa. Their dream is defined in aehon, in our traditional kanaka comprehension. One example is 'ai pōhaku (rather eat rocks than betray those still to eome)! Awareness is influenced by traditions as in the instance when one culture perceives more colors than another (Hawaiian: colors of the oeean and sky; Eskimo: more shades of white and kinds of snow). Kūpuna, eonhnue to steer our rock away from the U.S.-sponsored genocide, whieh is forcefully carried out by the U.S. Army and State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD), whieh should be called the illegal extennination division. 'Ohana, please ask the U.S. Army and the SHPD for respect and to honor our more than five ratified treaties. Yet, they go on a long holiday from the law so developers ean ramp up the SHPD's and the U.S. Army's subtle genocide program to our sacred sites. Remember, 'ohana, who we are and that our kūpuna signed the Ku'e Petition of 1897-98! We eonhnue to object to the big He'e/ fish (giant octopus), ike maka 'ohana. It uses NO-SHADOW to eat our mo'opuna, kūpuna and 'āina! Always remember, 'ohana, ike papa lua, Traditional Hawaiian Comprehension entails heredity (DNA, hardwiring of the brain, evolution of outlook, traditions and language). But what is usually fought over is traditional and linguistic superiority. Oppressive cultures (by military, eeonomie or illegal conquest, etc.) "always" spread the myth of their priority and the inferiority of those they illegally occupy, wrongfully justifying various levels of domination

all the way up to the active-spon-sored genocide. But 'ohana, most modern oppressors practice more sophisticated fonns of discrimination through their control of legal, educational, eeonomieal and polkieal forces. An example is the misinfonnation by the Americancontrolled television and news media by downplaying the independent Hawaiian Kingdom State Government as an activist native Hawaiian group locking the gates (April 30, 2008) of our I'O Lani Palaee (seat of our independent state) and keeping the U.S. and Linda Lingle's subtle extennination squad outside. 'Ohana, the majority of the U.S. govermnent and its people, of course, were totally misinfonned of Lingle's subtle military act. Hawaiians (international rights and analytic language) comprehend time without the linguistic and media superstructures (tenses) of inflected languages like American-English, temporarily distracting the U.S,prolonged military occupation. But, 'ohana, even correcting misinfonnation does not remove the desire of the superpower (U.S. govermnent) to stop their fascism against small independent states. Yet it is mandated at international conventions and by U.S. federal law to protect Hawaiian traditions and its traditional properties from discrimination on one end of the spectrum to destruction on the other. Yet, 'ohana, Hawai'i as an independent state with its record of its own traditional Hawaiian comprehension is subtly exterminated, for instance, by calling "Kahuna" sorcerers, prosecuting spiritual practices and presently destroying our sacred places of worship, i.e., Kāneikapualena, U-Kāne-po, Kāne-ana, Haleauau Heiau/Ka 'anani'au and others! Remember, 'ohana, appreciation of traditional Hawaiian eomprehension and practices requires learning less oppressive and/or majority perspectives and practices. Historians have learned to distinguish between "illegal occupies history" and the often oppressed narratives of the oeeupied disenfranchised! Economists

are aware of differences between those who understand and benefit from a system and those who are exploited by it! Polhieal scientists analyze power structures in whieh a ruling class has acquired an inordinate amount of power versus those who are held in tyranny or in literal bondage! 'Ohana, many perspectives ean illustrate this point of view of a "power elite" and how their view is privileged yet substandard. But 'ohana, to apply this knowledge and insight to our "Traditional Hawaiian Comprehension" requires our independent state to 'Onipa'a kākou as tutu Lili'uokalani positioned us - to seek justice! This demonstrates why there is enormous cost for all hmnanity when traditional comprehension defines education systems (its world view, its way of comprehending the world, its language, hterature, even oral, religion, ways of healing, hmnan relations, etc.) and is discriminated against for "globalized corporate non-cultme profiteers." 'Ohana, om kūpuna visualized that, "Life is ka 'imi loa, the great search that involves all aspects of sensitivity, perception, intelligence and aehon." Kūpuna taught us alertness, intellectual curiosity, quickness to leam, tenacious memory, family, plaee and pono as well as the unique stories, descriptions and even vocabularies, observation and completeness. Thus, traditional Hawaiian comprehension is comprehensive or more inclusive in its understanding. The modern "sound bite" is not om tradition! 'Ohana, remember, we are always faced with deliberate failures and lackadaisical attitudes regarding om coimnentsandconcerns,yetwekōkua and ask OHA and others to seriously fund more attorney programs for the preservation of om nahonal treasmes. 'Ohana, if you ean help end this tyranny and crimes against om people and Independent Hawaiian Kingdom State, your pono kōkua will be a godsend, as are om ratified Treaties Ku'e Petition! Ike-maka-'ohana, www.HawaiianKingdom. org. Mahalo nō 'ohana and I'O lako, ua mau ke ea o ka 'āina i ka pono. Alika Poe Silva is Kahu Kulaiwi, Koa Mana, kupuka'āina o Wai'anae, wahi pana, O'aliu, Hawaiian Naiional. S