Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 6, 1 Mei 2008 — Benefit concert [ARTICLE]
Benefit concert
Ke Kula Kaiapuni o Pū'ōhala, a Hawaiian-language inunersion school in Kāne'ohe, will hold its 15th annual 'Imi Pono Concert and Craft Fair on Saturday, May 3, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the grounds of Pū'ōhala Elementary School, 45-233 Kulauli St., near Castle High. Students will showcase their talents in chant, dance and curriculum exhibition, and loeal musicians will entertain. Rounding out the fun are crafts, ono Hawaiian food, Extreme Fun Rides, a petting zoo, pony rides, keiki games, a silent auehon and lucky number drawing. Conununity groups such as Ke Ola Mamo, Alu Like, Paepae 'o He'eia, Kōkua 'Ohana and Big Brothers, Big Sisters will also participate. For infonnation or to participate as a crafter or conununity informahonal booth, eall 386-1217 or
email papamakua@yahoo.com. All proceeds will benefit Ke Kula Kaiapuni O Pū'ōhala.