Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 6, 1 May 2008 — The final coup [ARTICLE]

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The final coup

The Honoluhi Weekly news article of Feb. 27, "Queen's turn" had lots of claims of fraud using Hawaiian lands. Who owns these ceded lands is one of the many questions that are not being answered. Going back in history we ah need to remember that the Queen was the sole owner of the Hawaiian Kingdom. These lands in question have to go back to the Trust, whieh is still in existence today. The Kingdom of Hawai'i is very mueh alive in this land of Aloha. History was the past. Queen Eili'uokalani succeeds the throne upon the death of King David Kalākaua in 1891. To avoid bloodshed of her people, she yields her throne on Jan. 17, 1893, and heeame a prisoner in her own land. July 7, 1898, President McKinley annexes Hawai'i to the United States. Dec. 2, 1909, the Queen executes a deed of trust. Nov. 11, 1917, the Queen expired at the age of 79. Pearl Harbor was attacked in 1941 and statehood was granted in 1959. A Con Con eleehon was held to create the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to help whh the many problems of land issues among the Hawaiian coimnunities. It has been a waste of tnne explaining to people who have no knowledge of Queen Eih'uokalani and her love for her people. The House and the Senate should be very careful in dealing with people who know the histories of the ali'i and are very respectful of their histories. Who owns the ceded lands? Do your research. LucyM. Akau Waimānalo, O'ahu