Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 6, 1 May 2008 — Waimea Valley [ARTICLE]
Waimea Valley
Gail Ann Chew has been appointed interim executive director of Hi'ipaka LLC, whieh manages Waimea Valley, following the April departure of Gary Gill. A search for a pennanent director is underway. "We very mueh appreciate Gary's service at Waimea," said Hi'ipaka LLC manager Clyde Nāmu'o. "He has led in a very critical time and we wish him all the best." Gill, a former Honolulu City Council ehainnan, was appointed to the post in 2007 as OHA announced the creation of Hi'ipaka to run Waimea. "I eonhnue to believe in Hi'ipaka's vision for Waimea and am pleased and proud of the progress we have made during my tenure," he said. "I wish the best for Hi'ipaka and the hard working staff in the Valley as they move forward to fulffll that vision." Chew's appointment will provide leadership and "ensure that the operation continues to move forward" during the transition period, Nāmu'o said. Chew, a business consultant, provides management, eonnnunication and coordination services to organizations locally and nationally. She spent 14 years with the Hawai'i Visitors and Convention Bureau, where she developed its strategic partnership division, managed corporate communications and created award-winning promotions and successful relationships with global brands. Chew has worked with Gill on Waimea Valley operations since December.