Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 5, 1 ʻApelila 2008 — HOʻOHUI ʻOHANA FAMILY REUNIONS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space~available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e~mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nā mamo a Hāloa!

Aehiu/Aena — The descendants of Leong Aehiu and Julia Kaumealanikanu'u Paanui Aena are gathering information on our family. We are fonning a committee of family members to serve as liaisons to their respective branch so that the reunion will truly be a family affair. Descendants of the following: Edith Kinolau Aehiu, Lineoln Ah Miu Keanuenue Aehiu, Rose Mew Hee Waihookawaiahao Aehiu, Benjamin Tin Hop Kaonoakawaiakapuila Aehiu, Thomas Tin Fun Kamalii Aehiu, Esther Miu Ung Kauluoa Aehiu, Walter Tin Kit Kaena Aehiu, Fannie Kepani Aehiu and Austin Hung Piu Kaliniepuu Aehiu — please contact Thelma Keala Binz (Austin) at 637-5910, email: thel@kealalegacy.com; Billijean KamTakashima (Esther) at 295-5585, email work: bkam.bayharbor@hawaiiantel.net, home: bkam@hawaii.rr.com; or T.J. Miram Cuaresma (Benjamin) at 218-9353, email: t.j.cuaresma@gmail.com. An infonnational web site link is available on request. Ah Lo / Alo — A reunion is being planned for July 18-20, 2008, in Ka'a'awa, O'ahu, in honor of the past and present 'ohana of the descendants of Abraham Amana Ahlo and Juliana Hiilani Ah Nee Ani. Descendants include their children: John Amina, Juliana, Alexander, Hemy, Bemard, Gilbert, Peter, Abraham, Julia, Lorita and Emma. All family are warmly encouraged and welcomed, "E Komo Mai!" The reunion steering eommittee is planning an exciting weekend of sharing, aloha, genealogy, story-telling and more. We'll have all weekend to enjoy eaeh other starting with a wala'au potluck dinner Friday night, our lū'au Saturday night and an aloha breakfast Sunday moming. Details are still being finalized and will be announced soon. Registration forms will be mailed out shortly and will also be available on our 'ohana web site, www.myspace.com/ ahloreunion2008. For more information, contact chairperson Julz Pruett on O'ahu at 723-9958 or ahloreunion2008@yahoo.com. Akau — (Descendants of Ching Sen/ Kamakehama Awa) Our family comes from the lines of the following: 1) William P.M. Akau/Kealoha Kalaluhi — Abraham Akau/Aliee Ahina, Euniee Akau/Solomon Kuahine, Elizabeth Akau/Maek Kalahiki, Theodore Akau/Mary Keawe; 2) William P.M. Akau/Lydia Awaa — John Akau/Rose Iokia, Apitai Akau/Margaret Arthur, Lydia Akau/Andrew Ako, Alexander Akau/Maiy Ako, Caroline Akau/Samuel Kaleleiki, David Akau, William Akau, Barbara Chock; 3) Pekina Akeni/Goo Kim Seu — Ah Sing KimSeu/Hattie Kauwe, Arthur KimSeu/ Martha Coelho, Amoe KimSeu/Robert Naeole, Allen KimSeu/Alice Nahakuelua, Emest AkimSeu/Maiy Kahookano, Abby Goo/Daniel Bush and Emest Chang, Mabel KimSeu; 4) Apitai Akeni/Kahana Maluwaikoo — Annie Apikai/Solomon Kuahine, John Apitai/Adeline Young. We are having a family reunion at Wai'anae Rest Camp April 11-13, 2008. We need a head count by March 8 so we know how

mueh food to prepare for Saturday, April 12. Luneh will be seiwed at noon. Contact: Joyce Sene at 247-7910, or Solomon Kuahine at 382-9525 or 455-8102. Ha'o/Minei — We are planning our sixth family reunion for the direct descendants of Rachel 'O Ka Malu Ha'o and George Nelson Paeopua Miner of Hale'iwa. Our families eome from Margaret and John Miner, Hannah and Charlie, Cecilia and Charles Spillner, Ruth and George Miner, Annie and Lawrence Ferguson, Rose and James Lodl, Virginia Snyder Baker, Evelyn and James Miner, Agnes Kelly Tomamao, and Rachel and Joseph Machado. This potluck styled pienie is scheduled for Saturday, April 19, 2008, at Ali'i Beach Park in Hale'iwa (near the lifeguard stand). For more information, please eall Judy Miram (daughter of George) on O'ahu at 621-5610 or Joanne Frey (daughter of Rachel) at 342-4346. Hookano — The heirs of Louisa and Iokewe Hookano are: Maiy (Beck), Rebecca (Awa), Lucy Kanani (Dias), William, Charles, Hattie (Pahia), Hannah (Newalu), Willie, Hemy, and Lui. The fourth annual Hookano family reunion is set for Saturday, April 19, 2008, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Laenani Beach Park (near St. John's By the Sea Church in Kahalu'u, O'ahu). All family are welcomed. Carpooling is highly encouraged, parking is limited. For more information, please eall Lyanne (Naipo) Binkauski at 271-0726 or Matilda Emalia (Hookano) Naipo at 247-4443. Isaaes/Broad — Our 'ohana will be having a family reunion on Saturday, May 3, 2008, for the first cousins and descendants of the William Kalanikauikaalaneo Isaacs and Margaret Maleka Papa'ikaniau Broad Family. Their thirteen children, followed by the names of their children, are: 1) Irene Kawehikulaniokapunohulaikeawakea Isaacs Ahlo/Peters [Alexander A.L. Ahlo, Henderson K. Ahlo, Kawehi Ahlo, and Charles K. Ahlo] ; 2) William Kanuumealani Isaacs [Clyde K. Isaacs and Leola M. Isaacs McQuillin, and Naomi Campbell] ; 3) Alvin Kalanikau Kaleolani Isaacs [Alvin K. Isaacs Jr., Norman K. Isaacs, Diana K. Isaacs Kapo'o, Leland K. Isaacs, Faith Isaacs Boyd, Judith Isaacs Mahuka, Armalita Isaacs Martin, Shirley Isaacs Medeiros, Nadine Isaacs Akina, and Leilani Isaacs]; 4) Margaret Piilani Isaacs Scharsch [Velma K. Scharsch Eulitt, Jacqueline Scharsch Bles/ Caiver, Comfort L. Scharsch South/Eppard] ; 5) Emma K. Isaacs Aruda [Loraine L. Aruda Seghom, Heine Aruda, andValentine Arada]; 6) Henry K.B. Isaacs [Thelma L. Isaacs Perreira, Frances K. Isaacs Dela Cruz, Elaine Isaacs Akau, Henrietta Isaacs Hanson, Ruth Isaacs Holt, and Harold 'Cisco' Isaacs]; 7) Moses Charles K. Isaacs; 8) Victoria Kana'iaupuniokahonua Isaacs Pulawa, Palakiko [Victoria L. Pulawa Reis, Benjamin N. Pulawa, Edward K.K. Pulawa, Shirley K. Pulawa Dolfo/Pupule/Kahilihiwa, Wilford K. Pulawa Sr., Vina M.L. Pulawa Low/Tengan/Hemandez/Rivera, Joyce K.

Kaanana Pulawa Ah Mook Sang, Lawrence L. Pulawa, La-Venda J.L. Pulawa Saberon, Maydell L. Pulawa/Maez/Osterloh, Herbert S. Pulawa, and Steven Pulawa; Roberta Palakiko Gallegos/Westbrooks, and Judith A. Taylor Callahan]; 9) Keoholaulani Isaacs; 10) Charles Lehuakona Isaacs [Charles L. Isaacs Jr. and Arthur Isaacs]; 11) Lawrence Kauhiaimokuakama Isaacs; 12) Wilford Kalaauala Isaacs [Wilford K. Isaacs Jr.]; and 13) Melvin Makaenaokalani Isaacs [Gwendolyn L. 'Sweetheart' Isaacs, and Shirleen "Boss" Isaacs]. The May 3 reunion will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Makakilo Hawai'i Stake Cultural Hall, 92900 Makakilo Drive, across the Makakilo fire station. Please contact Victoria Reis at 668-7101, or by mail at 89-369 Mokiawe St., Nānākuli, HI 96792; La-Venda Saberon at 681-4649, or by mail at 91-1275 Ho'opio St., 'Ewa Beach, HI 96706; or Cheryl Kila at 545-8075, 489-6571, by mail at 2407 Booth Road, Honolulu, HI 96813, or by email at chetylkila@hawaii.rr.com. Ka'auhaukane — Our fourth annual family reunion and potluck is scheduled for Sunday, May 4, 2008, at Bellows Air Force Base, pienie area/Pavilion B, Waimānalo, O'ahu, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Visit, talk stoty and enjoy being with family! We need a list of those attending and the license plates of their cars to ensure that you ean enter the mihtary base. Ana Lumaukahili'owahinekapu Ka'auhaukane was the daughter of Kamokulehu'opanaewa Ka'auhaukane (k) and Pailaka Hoohua (w). She was bom on March 3, 1845, in Ka'auhuhu, North Kohala, Hawai'i Island. Her sister was Kealohapauole Kalauhi Ka'auhaukane. Ana married Joseph Kaimakini Kanoholani and Jon Von Iseke. Her three Kanoholani ehildren were: Joseph Kaiamakini Kanoholani, Makini Kanoholani and Maty Kaiamakini. Her 13 Iseke children were: Maria Iseke, Elizabeth Kapuaakuni-MeKee, Theresa Kapiko-Quinn, John Isaacs, Joseph Iseke, Antone Iseke, Hemy Iseke, Louis Iseke, Joseph Iseke, Frank Iseke, Charles Iseke and Katherine Sing. The 'ohana would like to update all genealogy infoimation, records of birth, marriage and death, photos and contact infoimation. For more infoimation, eall one of our O'ahu contacts: Conkling MeKee Jr. at 734-6002; Colleen (MeKee) Tam Loo at 398-1600; Peter (Kapiko and Quinn) Machado at 689-0190; Jackie Kapiko at 235-8261; "Boss" (Iseke) Strala at 6649795; Louie (Isaacs) Peterson at 216-9331; Pauahi (Kapuaakuni and MeKee) Kazunaga at 842-7021. We are also planning the fifth family lū'au and reunion for 2009. We weleome your help with open aims. To participate in monthly 'ohana reunion meetings, eall Pualani (MeKee) Orton at 235-2226 or Ronnie MeKee at 263-0681. Beniamina Kahakaniaupo'o/Pelio Pahau — Beniamina was married to Pelio, also known as Kalapeliounua. Their son Beni Kealanuionaahienaena was married to: Lilly Naihau (first wife), Luka Kanekoa (sec-

ond), Elizabeth Akana (third) and Maty Kaopuiki (fourth). Pelio's father is Pahau from Puna line and Beniamina is from Hāmākua/Ho'okena. Beniamina also went by the names of Daniel and Benjamine. If you have information to add to our genealogy, please contact M. Kahulu Amina in Waimea at 808-895-0930 (work), Nani at 808-885-6465, or Doreen Ako on O'ahu at 744-7196. Our family is planning a potluek weekend in Waimea, Hawai'i Island, sometime soon and would love to have all our 'ohana join in and share the 'ohana love with our genealogy. A potluck meeting to plan the gathering is scheduled for April 12 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Waimea Community Center by the makai side of the baseball fields. Kahoolemana — I am seeking infoimation on Luka Kahoolemana and her children, who were bom in the years 1 893 through possibly 1920. Family sumames include Kaholokula, Koa, Makekau, Saffrey, Machado, Brown, Paahana, Kaumaoha and Kaanaana. Luka Kahoolemana is my great-grandmother. She was bom around 1878 and had at least one sister. Any infoimation regarding these children or families will be greatly appreciated. Contact Helen by email at pangus01@ yahoo.com or eall 808-249-0087. Kauaua — Our Maui 'ohana will host the Kauaua Family Reunion July 12-13, 2008, at Mayor Hannihal Tavares Community Center in Pukalani, where activities for all ages, entertainment, genealogy, lū'au, family photo, and more will be available. Committee members meet regularly to discuss and plan this fun and memorable event. The next meetings are scheduled for 10 a.m. Sunday on April 13 and 27, and May 4 and 18 at Kepaniwai Park in 'īao Valley. We weleome you to join a committee. It's potluck style so bring your favorite potluck dish and be ready to share food, ideas and helping hands. We weleome silent auction donations, door prizes and food donations to add to the success of the reunion. You may eall our hotline number at 268-3454 to leave messages and ask questions. Or visit our web site at www. kauauamaui.com for updates, T-shirt order foims, registration foims, etc. Kuakahela — 'Ohana reunion, July 1113, 2008, Wai'anae, O'ahu. Nā keiki: Naiheauhau, Kaunahi, Ka'aihue, Simeona (Kimona), Kamau, Kealohapauole, J.K. Kuakahela. For more information, please contact Octavia K. Kaili, 85-1340 Kamaileunu St., Wai'anae, HI 96792. MeCorriston — The descendants of Daniel and Hugh McCorriston are hosting a family reunion on O'ahu during the weekend of July 4-6, 2008. For more information, please contact one of the following on O'ahu: Katie Roberts at 239-9420, Anna Kaanga at 255-8996, Dan McCorriston at 206-3975, and Kathy Morton at 263-6406. On Hawai'i Island contact Lonaine 01senChong at 808-936-0670, and on Moloka'i contact Jackie Uahinui at 808-558-8285. ^