Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 5, 1 ʻApelila 2008 — Distance learning [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Distance learning

Deadline is April 30 to apply for the fall semester of 'Ike Hawai'i Distance Learning Program, whieh offers courses in Hawaiian culture, history, leaders past and present, and Hawaiian-Pacific literature. The Kamehameha Schools' program for high school students is being made available for the first time to students on the continental United States, with special eonsideration given to Hawai'i residents. Students from charter schools and mainstream puhhe schools are encouraged to apply. The fall semester runs from Iuly 14 to Dec. 12. Upon successful eompletion of a course, students receive a Kamehameha Schools credit. Students should obtain approval from their individual schools regarding their acceptance of the credit. The program requires reliable computer and internet access and Microsoft Office software, includ-

ing Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Instruction is free. A $50 fee includes supplies. Applications are available at www.ksbe.edu/admissions/ announcements or by contacting the admissions office at: admissions@ksbe.edu, 842-8800 or toll free at 800-842-4682 ext. 8800. For more information, http:// ksdl.ksbe.edu/ikehawaii or eall 842-8877.