Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 5, 1 ʻApelila 2008 — Powwow benefit [ARTICLE]
Powwow benefit
An April 12 benefit concert and silent auehon at Connections Puhlie Charter School in Hilo will help support the third annual Hilo Intertribal Pow Wow coming to Hilo in May. Connections charter school is located at the Kress Building, 174 Kamehameha Ave. Doors open at 6 p.m. A light supper prepared by Connections' culinary students is included in the cost of the $20 ticket, available at the Kress Building office, Da Ratpack
Skateshop, Jungle Love in Pahoa, Volcano Garden Arts and Kea'au Natmal Foods. The entertainment lineup features Native Anerican flute player Troy "Good Medicine" De Roche, loeal music trio The Lost Chords, The Social Wizards, and Dave Seawater and Friends. A silent auehon will include original art by loeal artists, tile mosaics, Native Anerican crafts, a hand-carved miniature koa eanoe and gift certificates from Hilo Guitar, Nautilus Dive and Merriman's Restaurant. The powwow is planned for Memoiial Day weekend, May 2426 at Wailoa River State Park. For more concert infonnation, eall Karin Moore-Sayre at 808-966-7792. For more information on the powwow, visit www.hilopowwow.com.