Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 5, 1 ʻApelila 2008 — Meetings to discuss Mauna Kea master plan [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Meetings to discuss Mauna Kea master plan
By KWŪ staff Public meetings are seheduled next month on Hawai'i Island to obtain input on a Comprehensive Management Plan for Mauna Kea. The University of Hawai'i, through its eonsultant Ku'iwalu, will be holding the meetings in: • Waimea on Tuesday, May 6 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Waimea Connnunity Center. • Kona on Wednesday, May 7 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Kealakehe Elementary Sehool. • Hilo on Tuesday, May 13 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Hilo High Sehool. Next month's meetings will be the first of two rounds of publie meetings throughout Hawai'i Island. The first round of meetings will provide infonnation on the purpose of the Comprehensive Management Plan, re-affinn key management issues raised over the past few years, and seek the connnunity's recommendation on appropriate cultural and environmental management guidelines pertaining to the Mauna Kea Science Reserve. The second round of puhlie meetings will be held in the fall when Ku'iwalu intends to present for connnunity review a draft of the CMP. This presentation will give the puhlie another opportunity to provide comments on the proposed CMP.
After the second round of puhlie meetings, the CMP will be presented to the Mauna Kea Management Board for review before going to the Board of Land and Natural Resources for final approval. The Comprehensive Management Plan comes about as a result of a previous ruling by Third Circuit Iudge Glenn Hara in Hilo. The judge reversed the decision by the BLNR to grant a permit allowing the construction and operation of the Outrigger Telescopes on the suimnit of Mauna Kea. In that reversal, Hara ruled that a CMP for Mauna Kea is a precondition to granting a pennit for any future development in the Mauna Kea Science Reserve, an area whieh is leased to the University of Hawai'i. In addition to holding puhlie meetings, Ku'iwalu is gathering input from the connnunity through a series of small talk-story sessions, group meetings with eommunity organizations, and online through www.MaunaKeaCMP. eom. Organizations that would like Ku'iwalu to give a presentation regarding the CMP are encouraged to eall 539-3580. The University of Hawai'i contracted the preparation of the CMP to Ku'iwalu, a consulting firm that specializes in critical land use issues, especially those that relate to Native Hawaiian culture and the environment. E3