Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2008 — PRINCE KŪHIŌ EVENTS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


O'AHU March 1, Holokū Ball, Royal Hawaiian Hotel Monarch Room, honors Princess Abigail Kekaulike Kawānanakoa and marks organizer Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu's 90th year. $150 person, or corporate tables. Susan Malterre-Htun, /32-2468 or hcchhb@ yahoo.com. March 9, Native Hawaiian Health Festival and Hō'ike'ike, Bishop Museum, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Marks 20 years of the Native Hawaiian Health Act and honors Drs. Kalani Brady and Claire Hughes. Features health organizations, speakers, cultural demonstrations and entertainment. Free. March 1 5, American Diabetes Association "Step Out" Walk for diabetes around Kapi'olani Park. Pledges weleome. 1 a.m. sign in, 8 a.m. walk. Leila Pleasant, 4289/84. March 19, Pnnee Kūhiō Choral Concert conducted by Nola Nahulu, 6 p.m. Mission Memonal Building, next to City Hall. Free. March 22, Pualeilani Festival of the Arts, Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center, 129 p.m. Native Hawaiian artists, cultural demonstrations and entertainment. $5 validated parking. March 23, Ali'i Sunday service honors Kōhiō, Kawaiaha'o Church, 8:30 a.m. March 26, services at Mauna'ala, the Royal Mausoleum, 9 a.m. In Kapolei, Hawaiian Home Lands Department dedicates

its new office complex wīth a Ho'okupu Processional at 9 a.m. from Kapolei High to Hale Kalaniana'ole, where a dedication and ho'olaule'a follows, www.kapoleihomestead. eom. In town, Pnnee Kōhiō HCC Choral Group makes a noontime presentation at the Federal Building. March 29, Pnnee Kōhiō Kalaniana'ole Commemorative Parade and Lū'au, Waikiki, 4 p.m., followed by 6-9 p.m. lū'au at Queen's Beach honoring Charlie Rose and Aunty Elizabeth Lau. $/5 reserved, $50 general, discounts for civic club members. Alberta Low, 455-9400. HAWAI'I ISLAND March 22, Prince Kōhiō Day at Hale Hālāwai, Kona, 9 a.m. featuring arts, crafts, baked goods, lei contest and keiki activities. Bucky Leslie, 936-2661. KAUA'I March 29, Royal 0rder of Kamehameha hosts an annual celebration at Pnnee Kōhiō Park, Poipū, Kōloa, Kaua'i, 10:30 a.m. MAUI April 19, Royal Ball, 6 p.m., King Kamehameha Golf Club in Waikapū, honors Unele Stanley Bega, Aunty Hokulani Holt-Padilla and Aunty Nona Beamer. $/5, includes dinner, silent auction and holokū contest. Corporate tables available. Kennethy Kaui Souza, 242-8924. For more information, contact chairman Kaho'onei Panoke at wpanoke@cpe-hawaii. eom or 224-0868.

Prince lonah Kūhiō Kalaniana'ole is beloved for the legacies he left behind, including founding the Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu and helping create the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act as a delegate to Congress. Celebrations are planned statewide in honor of his 137th birthday on March 26.