Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2008 — PRINCE KŪHIŌ EVENTS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
O'AHU March 1, Holokū Ball, Royal Hawaiian Hotel Monarch Room, honors Princess Abigail Kekaulike Kawānanakoa and marks organizer Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu's 90th year. $150 person, or corporate tables. Susan Malterre-Htun, /32-2468 or hcchhb@ yahoo.com. March 9, Native Hawaiian Health Festival and Hō'ike'ike, Bishop Museum, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Marks 20 years of the Native Hawaiian Health Act and honors Drs. Kalani Brady and Claire Hughes. Features health organizations, speakers, cultural demonstrations and entertainment. Free. March 1 5, American Diabetes Association "Step Out" Walk for diabetes around Kapi'olani Park. Pledges weleome. 1 a.m. sign in, 8 a.m. walk. Leila Pleasant, 4289/84. March 19, Pnnee Kūhiō Choral Concert conducted by Nola Nahulu, 6 p.m. Mission Memonal Building, next to City Hall. Free. March 22, Pualeilani Festival of the Arts, Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center, 129 p.m. Native Hawaiian artists, cultural demonstrations and entertainment. $5 validated parking. March 23, Ali'i Sunday service honors Kōhiō, Kawaiaha'o Church, 8:30 a.m. March 26, services at Mauna'ala, the Royal Mausoleum, 9 a.m. In Kapolei, Hawaiian Home Lands Department dedicates
its new office complex wīth a Ho'okupu Processional at 9 a.m. from Kapolei High to Hale Kalaniana'ole, where a dedication and ho'olaule'a follows, www.kapoleihomestead. eom. In town, Pnnee Kōhiō HCC Choral Group makes a noontime presentation at the Federal Building. March 29, Pnnee Kōhiō Kalaniana'ole Commemorative Parade and Lū'au, Waikiki, 4 p.m., followed by 6-9 p.m. lū'au at Queen's Beach honoring Charlie Rose and Aunty Elizabeth Lau. $/5 reserved, $50 general, discounts for civic club members. Alberta Low, 455-9400. HAWAI'I ISLAND March 22, Prince Kōhiō Day at Hale Hālāwai, Kona, 9 a.m. featuring arts, crafts, baked goods, lei contest and keiki activities. Bucky Leslie, 936-2661. KAUA'I March 29, Royal 0rder of Kamehameha hosts an annual celebration at Pnnee Kōhiō Park, Poipū, Kōloa, Kaua'i, 10:30 a.m. MAUI April 19, Royal Ball, 6 p.m., King Kamehameha Golf Club in Waikapū, honors Unele Stanley Bega, Aunty Hokulani Holt-Padilla and Aunty Nona Beamer. $/5, includes dinner, silent auction and holokū contest. Corporate tables available. Kennethy Kaui Souza, 242-8924. For more information, contact chairman Kaho'onei Panoke at wpanoke@cpe-hawaii. eom or 224-0868.
Prince lonah Kūhiō Kalaniana'ole is beloved for the legacies he left behind, including founding the Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu and helping create the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act as a delegate to Congress. Celebrations are planned statewide in honor of his 137th birthday on March 26.