Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2008 — Page 32 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Boarding programs open to non-Kamehameha students completinggrades 5-8. For information, eall (808) 534-8272. SESSION DATES: June 8-1 3, june 15-20, june 22-27, june 29-july 4, July 6-1 1 anel July 1 3-1 8 Ho'omāka'ika'i: Explorations The first ofthree programs in the "Explorations Series," Ho'omāka'ika'i offers learning centered on foundational themes and activities such as Hawaiian values, mele, hula, crafts and more. Program fee: $130. For students completing grade 5. Ho'olauna Programs-Wat 'anae, Ko'olau, Maui, Kaua'i, Moloka'i, Puna*, Kona Ho'olauna programs focus on traditions of specific site locations, sharing cultural and historic significance ofwahi pana, or noted areas, and reinforcing the importance of plaee in cultural identity. Program fees: $1 00 | *$1 30. For students completing grade 6 or 7. Kūlia I Ka Pono -O'ahu, Kona* Students "ma ka hana ka 'ike" — learn by doing. Development and use of personal and cultural responsibility and community give-back are encouraged through lessons and activities in outdoor classrooms. Mo'olelo of Hawaiian ali'i offer opportunities to learn and apply Hawaiian values and leadership. Program fee: $130 | *$100. For students completing grade 7 or 8. Computer Camp Program fee: $1 30. For students completing grade 6 or 7.
Kamehameha Schools II
wu7w.ksbe.edu/admissions oadmissions (808) 842-8800 ks neighbor i s lan d reg i o n al resource centers east H awai 1 1 (808) 935-01 1 6 • west HAWAl'l (808) 322-5400 KAUA'l (808) 245-8070 • MOLOKA'i/lāNA'i (808) 553-3673 ^
Kamehameha Schools' admissions poiicy is to giue preference to applicants of Hawaiian ancestry to the extent permitted by law.