Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2008 — Blood quantum lawsuit [ARTICLE]
Blood quantum lawsuit
I have never written in response to any type of issues that deal with Hawaiians until now. I read with anger and dismay that Hawaiians with 50 percent or more blood quantum are suing OHA for using monies for Hawaiians with less than 50 percent. HEWA on those people who think like selfish foreigners. I use angry words because I am 50 percent and to hear those who are fortunate to have something and use it against our own people who have less than 50 percent is a shame. When will the Hawaiians learn not to be like the 'a'ama (hlaek crab)? Hawaiians with 50 percent and more, WAKE UP. Let the foreigners eonhnue to divide us and one day you will find that all the benefits that we ARE entitled to will be part of the past. Laws could be passed to deny us those benefits and no matter how mueh Hawaiian you have, ALL of US will have nothing.
Philip Abraham Hokuokalani Akiu III Honolulu