Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2008 — Nānākuli homeless [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Nānākuli homeless

Homeless settlers on a 4-acre section of Ulehawa Beach Park on the Leeward Coast will be ousted

in early February so that planned repairs to the park's deteriorating infrastructure ean proceed. In December, Honolulu City officials said the homeless will be offered a range of support services before the park's Nani Kai section is temporarily closed. The repairs are part of a $2.5 million parks improvements and eommunity grants package given by the City to help compensate the area for the placement of Waimānalo Gulch Sanitary Landfill, 0'ahu's main garbage dump. Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann is seeking approval from the state to expand the dump to allow it to remain open for 15 years beyond the May 2008 expiration date. The $1 million in city grants will benefit 25 nonprofit conununity organizations, including $60,000 for Habitat for Humanity Leeward O'ahu for a program to build four homes for very low-ineome Leeward Coast families, and $20,000 for Leeward Kai Canoe Club for the Nā 'Ōpio leadership program for high school students.