Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2008 — MĀKEKE THE MARKETPLACE [ARTICLE]
Type or clearly write your 24-word-or-less ad and mail to: OHA at 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96813. Make eheek payable to OHA.
BIG ISLAND: BUYING? SELLING? NEED RESULTS! DHHL properties or fee simple eall Kimberly A. Parks, R(S) Prudential Orchid Isle Properties toll free 800-789-4753 or 808-987-0285. Email:kparks@ilhawaii.net. BUYER WANTS! 3 or 4 bedroom home in Kaupe'a, Kapolei. Wilhelm JK Bailey (R) West Oahu Reality, ine. Ph. 228-9236. email: real estate @ wjkbailey.com DIABETIC OR OVERWEIGHT? I ean help! Lost 35 lbs. in 5 wks. Off insulin, diabetic, eholesterol & BP meds. Fast, safe. easy & physician recommended. http://www.ohanawellness.tsfl. eom. Call Johnny Kai; 971-533-6881 or email: ohanawellness @ msn.com DYSLEXIA TUTORING CENTER OF HAWAII, INC. (DTCH) Ask us about Dyslexia, our tutoring services, and how we ean help you. Call 674-4298 for more infonnation. FOR SALE: Waianae Kai 5 bd/6 ba $495.000; Waianae fixer upper 8,528 sq ft lot $89.000; Pu'ukapu 305 ae pasture $900.000/offer; Pu'ukapu 10 ae pasture $75,000/offer; Pana'ewa 10 acres AG $150,000+; Waiohuli undivided interest $55,000; Waiohuli 1/2 ae lot $85,000; Moloka'i 1 ae res oeean front $180,000; Ho'olehua 1 ae res $100,000/offer; Pu'uka Pele 1 ae res $100,000/offer; Channaine I. Quilit
Poki (R) 295-4474. toll free 1-800-210-0221, channainequilit@yahoo.com. FOSTER/ RESOURCE FAMILIES NEEPEP STATEWIDE: Hawaivi's keiki need safe and loving homes. For more information, eall 808-441-1117, tollfree 888-879-8970 oremail:hui@ pidfoundation.org GET YOUR POLI PILLOW! Hawaiian Made ! Proudly featured at these fine retailers: Nā Mea Hawai'i, Island Keepsakes, and 'Iolani Palaee Shops. Contact: 384-2215 or yeehoyL001@ hawaii.n.eom Enter subject: Poli. HARP THERAPY: Kī hō'alu me ka hapa, with all types of music, live on a gold concert haip for your next event. Customized programs. Lowest piiee in town. 944-0077. HAWAIIAN HOMES LEASE FOR SALE 5.8 acres Pu'ukapu in Kamuela. Fully fenced. Landscaped with storage building and sheds $375,000. Call 775-9997 day or 217-3475 eve. INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY DISCOUNT DENTAL PLANS As low as $99 individual and $159.95 family per year (15 mos.) Visit www. DentalPlans.com or eall 866-876-6859 use code HOME390 to save 10%. INTEGRETY AND HONESTY! Purchaseyour
Hawaiianhomes property today ! Let me represent you the buyer. Wilhelm JK Bailey (R) West Oahu Reality, ine. Ph. 228-9236. Email: realestate@ wjkbailey.com LOVE TO TRAVEL? Want to get $$ for it? Own an on-line Travel Agency under $500. www.kaimanaztravel.com or 723-5118. MAUI - Lot clearing. grubbing, excavation of your homestead lot. Examples available, quality work and reasonable rates. Call 808-760-8278. 'OHANA GARDENS: Mainland-grown gourds for ipu, calabash bowls. Unfinished from $4 eaeh, or finished to your specifications (prices vary). 435-669-9059 or 435-673-3945. PONCHO'S SOLAR SERVICE: Solar water heating contractor, utility rebates, tax credits, save money. HECO & MECO approved independent contractor, new systems, pool heating systems, repairs. Free estimates. O'ahu: 422-4266; Maui: 808-760-2345. Located in Waiohuli Homestead. PU'UKAPU: 10 acre pastrol. Would like to trade for house Kawaihae. Call 808-936-3667. READY TO MOVE TO LAS VEGAS? Need a house, perhaps your own business? Retiring, moving back to Hawai'i 2009. DHHL Kapolei
4 bd/ 2 ba, 3-car garage, w/ pool. Gated eommunity, many extras. Turn key, mail and shipping store, will train. Both $490.000. Call 702-466-4669. REAL ESTATE EDUCATION COMPANY looking for parttime/ fulltime sales reps for Hilo, Kaua'i, Maui, O'ahu, Moloka'i. For interview eall Esther at 658-0974 starting from $1,750.00 and up and up. WANT TO BUY: Homestead Papakolea. Will pay for offers within reason. Call 689-5594. WHEN BUYING OR SELLING A HOME CHOOSE A PROFESSIONAL with expelienee. Fee simple or homestead properties. Call Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R). she speaks your language. Your Hawaiian homes specialist 808-295-4474. toll free 1-800-210-0221, or channainequilit@yahoo.com. WILL BUILD ON YOUR LOT in Kona, Island of Hawai'i - 3 bed/ 2 ba/ 2 car garage - 1,500 sf under roof. $150,000 - $160,000. 808-895-2919. XANGO: The original mangosteen health supplement. Finally, something natural. an anti-oxidant and anti-inflamma-tory. Visit www.dsn.ltd.discovermangos teen.com or eall Dexter; 808-753-4041. ^