Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 1, 1 January 2008 — Page 29 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Volunteers sought for Maui/Lana'i Burial Council Tlie Office of Hawaiian Affairs is seeking representatives from Wailuku, Maui to serve on the Maui/Lana'i Burial Council. OHA is also maintaining a list on the Island Burial Council for Hawai'i, Maui/Lana'i, Moloka'i, O'ahu, and Kaua'i/Ni'ihau to carry out all applieahle duties established by sections 6E-43, 6E-43.5 and 6E-43.6 HRs, and any other applieahle law. At least twenty percent of regional representatives shall be appointed from a list provided by the Ofhce of Hawaiian Affairs. The Councils shall be a part of the department for administrative purposes. The governor shall appoint the members of the Council, in accordance with Section 26-34, HRS, from a list provided by the department and a list provided by the Oihee of Hawaiian Affairs. Recruitment is continuous until the Council's needs are met. Eaeh eouneil shall be composed of at least one representative from eaeh geographic region of the island and representatives of development and large property owner interests. Regional representatives shall meet the following criteria: 1. Be a member of the Hawaiian community and represent one of the following geographic regions:
a. Kohala, Kona, Ka'u, Puna, Hilo, and Hamakua for the island of Hawai'i; b. Lahaina, Wailuku, Makawao, and Hana for the island of Maui; c. Lana'i; d. West Moloka'i, Central Moloka'i, East Moloka'i and Kalawao for the Island of Moloka'i; e. Wai'anae, 'Ewa, Konas, Ko'olaupoko, Ko'olauloa and Waialua for the island of O'ahu; f. Waimea, Koloa, Lihu'e, Kawaihau, Hanalei and Na Pali for the island of Kaua'i; and g. Ni'ihau; and 2. Possess an understanding of Hawaiian culture, history, customs, practices, and in particular, beliefs and practices relating to the care and protection of Native Hawaiian burial sites and ancestral remains and burial goods; and 3. Not simultaneously serve on another state board of commission. The department shall request appropriate Hawaiian organizations to submit names of candidates for regional representative to the department for consideration, along with statements demonstrating the candidates' understanding of Native Hawaiian culture. Applicants may contact the OHA ofhce on their island for an application. Completed applications and inquiries may be e-mailed or faxed to Apolei Bargamento in Honolulu: apoleib@oha.org; Fax 808-594-1863; Phone 594-1961. OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Suite 500 Honolulu , Hawai'i 96813 Phone (808) 594-1888