Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 1, 1 January 2008 — Hoʻolako Pono loan [ARTICLE]
Hoʻolako Pono loan
A loan program that offers eonstruction loans and mortgages to Department of Hawaiian Home Lands lessees has become the sole recipient of a nahonal award for helping to improve home ownership. The Ho'olako Pono Loan Program of American Savings Bank received the honor Nov. 9 in Las Vegas from America's Community Bankers, a nahonal trade association. Since 2005, 153 DHHL-quali-fied applicants have received Ho'olako Pono loans totaling more than $32.8 million from American Savings Bank. The program offers loans of up to $625,000 to buy a new home, refinance an existing home or finance the construction of a new home. □