Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 1, 1 January 2008 — Grants workshops [ARTICLE]
Grants workshops
Workshops to assist the public in applying for the OHA Community Grants Program will be held on eaeh island from January through April. Anyone wishing to qualify for the program must attend at least one of the workshops before the grant applieahon deadline of June 30. The grant program provides awards of up to $100,000 for projects and services that address the needs of Native Hawaiians in areas of health, human services, native rights, land, culture, housing, edueahon, eeonomie development, governance, natural resources management and capacity building. Workshops will cover the grant applieahon process and minimum eligibility requirements of the eommunity grants program. In fiscal year 2008, more than 50 nonprofit organizations used Community Grants funds for purposes ranging from a substance abuse program for middle school students in Kohala to a coastal habitat restoration project on O'ahu. As a Hawaiian trust, OHA dedicates 10 percent of its total annual operating budget to the Community Grants Program. Applications for the next cycle of the program may be submitted between April 1 and June 30. All grant requests are subject to the availability of funding. For workshop registration, eall OHA at 594-1972. More information on all OHA grant guidelines is available at www.oha.org.